Saturday, 22 March 2014

There was no drunken rage

Soviet Ukraine was a UN state.

It is another common and uncritically accepted myth and slander against the USSR, conveniently cultivated by the bourgeois elites of the world and their oligarch friends of the Okhrana regime of Russia, that Crimea was given away to the Ukraine in the fifties as an arbitrary and divine dispensation, taken in a night of drunken rage, by Nikita and his pals of the Central Committee. If we were to 'scratch' the surface of this Russian and bourgeois propaganda however, we would find not only the proverbial Tatars, but profound reasons of State and International Politics. 

That the defunct Soviet Union has become a handy and opportune scapegoat for every type of reactionary, including the worst of the Russians, cannot blind the proletarians about the adequacy or reasonableness of many of its actions, in spite of having been taken by despicable 'neocoms', that is, neocommunists liberals like Khrushchev and his supporters. 

The cession of Crimea was an attempt to build up a credible Ukraine as a separate member of the United Nations and, thus, compensate for the imbalance against socialists nations in that organisationA separate and semi-independent Ukraine in the UN, needed some teeth, some military and naval might and, also, some control. Crimea, as a 'Russian' military base, could provide both. Unfortunately, the fiction of an independent Ukraine, could not be maintained, neither for internal nor for external reasons. 

Today, the restitution of Crimea to Oligorussia, although tacitly allowed by the West and greeted with jubilation by the asinine and slimy leftists of the world, might create as many problems as it solves for Russia, not only because of the different minorities stranded on the wrong side of the border, but also because it constitutes a clear abandonment and cowardly desertion of the other Russians in Ukraine. The Russian Panslavists of the heinous Oligorussian Empire, have separated their 'Chosen People'.

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¡¡¡Sin partido proletario dialéctico que organice la guerra de clases, los trabajadores cortijero-españoles se encuentran bajo la viscosa hegemonía de una izquierda babosa y traidora que pretende conducirles, una vez más, al callejón sin salida, al corral y matadero de otro Frente Popular!!!

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Ordo Inverso Vichy France

Pas de main, salope…!!!

Cette pourrie hiérarchie des traîtres qui ont détruit les travailleurs et la France, n'est pas légitime…!!!

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Friday, 21 March 2014

Hiperinmigración Cortijo-España

¡¡¡Españolitos de mierda importan epidemias y serias enfermedades con sus insensatas políticas de hiperinmigración, explotación y tráfico de esclavos!!!

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Hiperinmigración Amariconada Italia

¡¡¡La Cobarde Armada Italiana intensifica el tráfico masivo de personas con la connivencia y el secretismo de los medios de incomunicación negreros!!!

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Thursday, 20 March 2014

Ordo Inverso Vichy France

Votez Front National…!!!

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Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Hiperinmigración Cortijo-España

¡¡¡Así matan los españolitos de mierda y sus nazis vasquistas a sus hijos, mientras proporcionan atención sanitaria universal y gratuita al resto del planeta!!!

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The Eagle Has Landed

The reactionary ethnic policy of Oligorussia…!!!

'Rasputin' talks to his boyars…!!!

Spanish version

English version

Written English version

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IDF strikes Syrionazism

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Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Lincoln on secession

Plainly, the central idea of secession is the essence of anarchy. A majority held in restraint by constitutional checks and limitations, and always changing easily with deliberate changes of popular opinions and sentiments, is the only true sovereign of a free people. Whoever rejects it does, of necessity, fly to anarchy or to despotism. Unanimity is impossible; the rule of a minority, as a permanent arrangement, is wholly inadmissible; so that, rejecting the majority principle, anarchy or despotism in some form is all that is left.


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The Great Game

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Hiperinmigración Cortijo-España

Bye-bye españolitos de mierda...!!!

¡¡¡Bienvenidos y gracias por apalear a los españolitos!!!

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Bienvenidos a Cortijo-España

¡¡¡Bienvenidos y gracias por apalear a los españolitos!!!

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Monday, 17 March 2014

No more breakfast at Tiffany's

Sanctions against Oligorussia…!!!

Sanctions against tyranny…!!!

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Ordo Inverso Vichy France

Contre les élites pourries, la droite crétine et la gauche traître et visqueuse…

Votez Front National…!!!

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Sunday, 16 March 2014


Civil War…!!!

Against racist Oligorussia…!!!

If the oligarchs want secession, they should fight for it… and die...!!!

To arms…!!!

To Crimea…!!!

To Moscow…!!!

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Crimean Tatar Republic

Against racist Oligorussia…!!!

For an Independent Crimean Tatar Republic…!!! 

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