Wednesday 26 May 2021

The Woke Industrial Complex

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In answer to...


As usual, the New Labour Party (the same that continued the privatisation of prisons in Britain under TB), does not miss any opportunity to come out fighting for the downtrodden 'woking-class'. A 'woking-class' that does not work anymore in factories or mines, but in the minority-mongering industry, the 'Woke industrial Complex'. This big business of smoke sellers and moaning activists of the 'lumpenbourgeoisie' of different ethnic groups and minorities, has an impressive array of financially successful leaders that have made real estate fortunes with savvy political deals and mobilisations or earn a comfortable living with NGO's and the exploitation of a racial or 'slave' card never explored, explained or contested. Although, The Trump or The Donald, are never far away from the trite and facile explanations of the Woke Industrial Complex, it is obvious that those explanations are quite forced, as police brutality, inequalities, poverty and discrimination of all types, have been as important or more during Obama, Clinton or any other President, save an FDR under Communist pressure. It is doubtful, however, that making of New Labour an ethnic party with tinges of 'genderims' and 'transwokism', could give any serious electoral results, especially if they are based on the total, and unsustainable, confusion of a secular police brutality with the mysteries of a racist mind that always cuts both ways.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Tuesday 25 May 2021

The Tide

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

'Freedom of Speech'

In answer to...


The elites, encouraged by the working-class disarray and collapse after the fall of the USSR, have created, indeed, a tide of biological movements against their old and mighty enemy, the class struggle and socialism. Adopting the strategy of the 'Mafia Kiss', where the enemy that is going to kill you comes to you smiling and showing friendly intentions, the oligarchies of the world (but especially in the West where they faced the most traditional, powerful and determined working class movements), have infiltrated the old parties and created new movements that appear to defend just and indisputable causes, close to the 'bleeding' hearts of a majority of the population brought up on religions of charity and traditions of a, today, perverted 'solidarity'. This reactionary tide is a powerful mechanism of substitution and confusion amongst populations deprived of direction and leadership. Defenceless, those populations march unaware towards their own destruction or subjection, fighting their different phenotypes and thinking on their own false charitable righteousness. Only by stoping this obscurantist tide, confronting the real issues and reconstituting the class struggles, could the workers of the world fight back, take the war to the enemy and avoid real slavery.


Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!


Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

'Freedom of Speech'

In answer to...


Although, in balance, we would prefer a Republic, we consider that the dragging of the Monarchy into the race battles of today, is something quite forced and, even, suspicious. All these allegations, although they could sound true or entertaining, have little importance in the grand scheme of things. The British Monarchy, full of the pomp and circumstance derived from the numerous exotic dominions around the planet, is well known for its upper class attitude and aloofness towards ALL its subjects. The lower classes of the world, of all races and backgrounds, are like the subject and colonial peoples of a huge Empire. We all are, in very real sense, colonial subjects and, therefore, there is little base for the distinctive racial politics of the 'race' movement.


Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!


Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

'Freedom of Speech'

In answer to...


The 'pandemic' is a very difficult issue and it is as problematic as other tools of the 'race' movement. Indeed, many of us, although marginalised as usual, doubt that there is a 'pandemic' and, especially, that the statistics used are correct or unbiased. Once the 'race' movement has to confront that critique, it will be dismantled in its exaggerated claims and dubious numbers. In a way, the reluctance of many ethnic groups to take 'vaxes', for religious or other reasons, might be beneficial for them and the population at large, as covid seems to have been taken out of all proportion by other, more political and economic, reasons. In any case, since statistics count all deaths as covid related, if minority populations were more affected that others, that could be due to many other factors, like poor diets or a physical constitution that favours certain illnesses. Making from that a case for 'racism', would be absurd, like the whole movement.


Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!


Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

'Freedom of Speech'

In answer to...


Movements based on race, will not resist a reassessment of the history and circumstances surrounding the slave trade and market. An investigation of the truth, will show the guilt and complete collaboration of the black populations of Africa and other places in that infamous trade. Slavery, like conquest, invasion or colonisation, normally requires the mediation of natives and insiders. They are relationships of conflict but, ALSO, of cooperation. On the other hand, slavery has never been based on race. Only some ideological justifications or alibis, tried to make of slavery a racial issue. However, it is easy to see that, throughout history enslavement is, mostly, indifferent to race (although, sometimes, some races were preferred to work in certain geographical areas, as they were more resistant to local conditions), as its aim is to appropriate labour, any kind of labour. Whites (the names Slav derives from slave), blacks, yellow or in between, all are good for slavery. From 'high' civilizations like Chinese, Egyptian or European, to 'lower' ones, like those of the American Indians, Africans or Oceanians, slavery has never been a race issue.


Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!


Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

'Freedom of Speech'

In answer to...


The killing of Mr Floyd, an act of a politically unchecked police brutality in the USA, has made of a petty criminal an unlikely hero, the anti-hero of a movement that, supported by massive propaganda in the media and the collaboration and perfect coordination of the elites, has managed to impose itself, without restrain, on the political agenda, with the clear intention of erasing and substituting the real issues and problem faced by the workers, the class struggle. This movement of substitution and denaturalisation of the struggles of the working class, has been embraced, lock, stock and barrel, by intellectually weak strata of the population and, what is even worse, the parties that were created to defend the working-class. By dividing the population in biologically based segments (race, gender, trans...), the oligarchy has diverted the energies of a great number of people towards false and unsubstantial issues, that cannot and will never constitute, a danger to its dominion.


Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!