China, Germany and Britain most welcoming to refugees... according to Lügenpresse...!!!
China... one of the most restrictive countries on immigration and refuge... one of the biggest sources of migration around the world...!!!
Germany... with her oligarchic misgovernment changing policies, like madmen, every five minutes on migration due to the repressed resistance of the population...!!!
Brexit Britain... a country that is going to the polls in a few days out of pure simmering and silent resistance against immigration..!!!
Oligarchy in blatant cover up against International Working Class...!!!
Kulturkampf against World Proletariat...!!!
Endophobic conspiracy to be judged by international proletariat...!!!
¡¡¡Trapicheos, narcofinanzas y propaganda izquierdista sustituyen a la economía productiva... con consecuencias desastrosas!!!
El izquierdismo devuelve a Venezuela a la Edad de Piedra
¡¡¡Tras casi dos décadas en el poder, los jefes de Podemos crean un paraíso 'socialista' sin producción, tecnología, energía o trabajo!!!
¡¡¡Venezuela, uno de los mayores productores de petróleo, sin energía...!!!
¡¡¡La monarquía narcochavista, demasiado ocupada escondiendo dinero en paraísos fiscales y dando becas a E®®ejón, forzada a declarar la jornada laboral de 2 días...!!!
¡¡¡Cortijo-España Cloaca Máxima!!! Hacia el Sicariato
Renovación de la endogamia cortijera
Putrefacta Segunda Transición ¡¡¡Caciquismo racista venezolano vasco-catalufo!!!
Alta Traición ¡¡¡Traidor profesional, 'militar' antimilitarista y pacifista, es decir, un auténtico cobarde cortijero (como aquel infame y corrupto Ministro de 'Defensa' zapateril, que prefería morir a matar), impuesto como candidato en una Almería acobardada por el nacionalismo feminazi podemero!!! ¡¡¡El 'Mono Amedio' es impuesto como candidato en la colonia de raza inferior de Almería!!!
¡¡¡El traidor militar más prominente de Cortijo-España e, increíblemente, ex Jefe del Estado Mayor de la Defensa, es declarado candidato principal por los feminazis podemeros en Almería, fuera de los feudos nacionalistas racistas de la organización venezolana!!!
¡Caciques al GULAG! Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch¡ ¡Reciprocidad! ¡Repatriación! ¡Revolución!
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution...!!! They warned us... it came to pass...!!!
五一六通知 May Sixteenth Circular 'The representatives of the bourgeoisie who have infiltrated the party, the government and the army are a bunch of counterrevolutionary revisionists. Once conditions are ripe, they will seize political power and turn the dictatorship of the proletariat into a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.' The Sixteen Points of August 1966
La coagulación de la traidora izquierda en un nuevo 'Frente' irano-venezolano, un nuevo intento de destrucción del secuestrado e infiltrado PCE, simplifica la situación política y facilitará su exterminio 'político'...
¡¡¡Trapicheos, narcofinanzas y propaganda izquierdista sustituyen a la economía productiva... con consecuencias desastrosas!!!
El izquierdismo devuelve a Venezuela a la Edad de Piedra
¡¡¡Tras casi dos décadas en el poder, los jefes de Podemos crean un paraíso 'socialista' sin producción, tecnología, energía o trabajo!!!
¡¡¡Venezuela, uno de los mayores productores de petróleo, sin energía...!!!
¡¡¡La monarquía narcochavista, demasiado ocupada escondiendo dinero en paraísos fiscales y dando becas a E®®ejón, forzada a declarar la jornada laboral de 2 días...!!!
But, it is not only that these 'experts' are always lying, that America was not forged with illegal immigration, that walls do work at stopping crime, exploitation, terrorism, aggression and disease (witness the walls of Berlin, Israel, Korea, Belfast...), that America treated and still does treat many peoples differently at her borders (e.g, Blacks, 'Commies', Japanese, Chinese, Cubans, etc...), that nobody is blaming 'challenges' on immigrants, but on those immigrationist slave drivers who created the challenges of exploitation in the first place, that this immigration is not a 'melting pot', but an ethnic, religious and social apartheid, that these 'experts' commit mistake after mistake after mistake... in wars, in economics, in education... that Trump is, actually, an extremely successful businessman, a true capitalist of the kind these 'experts' have always portrayed as a role model in every sphere of human endeavour, including the political one... it is that, in politics, the 'expert' fallacy, the oligarchy of 'expertise', hides and drives anti-democratic, anti-socialist and unconstitutional stands and, ultimately, is the alibi for tyranny... or, as Marx said... 'In a reasonable state it ought to require an examination to become a cobbler rather than an executive state official; for cobbling is a skill without which one can be a good citizen, a social being, but the necessary 'state knowledge' is a condition without which a man in a state would be living outside the state, cut off from himself and from the air. The 'examination' is nothing but a masonic formula, the legal recognition of citizenship, knowledge as a privilege.' Xiafang...!!! Experts should be dispersed to the base, that is, to work in factories and in the countryside... like they did during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution...!!!