Saturday, 14 September 2013


¡¡¡El nacionalcatolicismo polaco, tras deshacerse del 'socialismo' y de millones y millones de trabajadores polacos, en una de las mayores migraciones de la prehisotoria humana, tiene que salir de nuevo a la calle... esta vez para 'protestar' contra el canibalismo capitalista que él mismo ha creado!!!

Workers of the World, Unite!
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La letra con sangre entra

¡¡¡No son comunistas!!!

¡¡¡Babosos izquierdistas, escondidos bajo las siglas del KKE, se dejan pegar por los cretinos nazis de Amanecer Dorado...!!!

¡Los izquierdistas, una vez, más reciben su merecido!

¡¡¡Algún día aprenderán!!!

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Workers of the World, Unite!
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Marx on religion

The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again. But man is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is the world of man – state, society. This state and this society produce religion, which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world. Religion is the general theory of this world, its encyclopaedic compendium, its logic in popular form, its spiritual point d’honneur, its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, its solemn complement, and its universal basis of consolation and justification. It is the fantastic realization of the human essence since the human essence has not acquired any true reality. The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion. 

Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. 

The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo. 

Criticism has plucked the imaginary flowers on the chain not in order that man shall continue to bear that chain without fantasy or consolation, but so that he shall throw off the chain and pluck the living flower. The criticism of religion disillusions man, so that he will think, act, and fashion his reality like a man who has discarded his illusions and regained his senses, so that he will move around himself as his own true Sun. Religion is only the illusory Sun which revolves around man as long as he does not revolve around himself. 

It is, therefore, the task of history, once the other-world of truth has vanished, to establish the truth of this world. It is the immediate task of philosophy, which is in the service of history, to unmask self-estrangement in its unholy forms once the holy form of human self-estrangement has been unmasked. Thus, the criticism of Heaven turns into the criticism of Earth, the criticism of religion into the criticism of law, and the criticism of theology into the criticism of politics.

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Workers of the World, Unite!
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Moloch in Yemen

The religious alibi of exploitation...!!!

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Workers of the World, Unite!
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Hiperinmigración Amariconada Italia

¡¡¡500 más!!!
¡¡¡Todos están bien!!!

¡Al menos tendrán alojamiento en la nutrida red de albergues para esquiroles y conventos del Vaticano y de los Desgobiernos de la UE!

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Workers of the World, Unite!
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Thursday, 12 September 2013

Kaesong Concentration Camp

North Korea, a capitalist Paradise...!!!

Giant Sweatshop to reopen in benefit of 'Kim Fatso', the 'Swiss' king of North Korea and his court...!!!

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Workers of the World, Unite!
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Dutch Nazism

Dutch rule in Indonesia
The colonial policies of 'unrepentant' Dutch exploiters... they call them 'excesses'...!!!

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Workers of the World, Unite!
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Lenin on inflammable material

That is because, in the era of imperialism in general and especially today after a war that was a sore trial to the peoples and has quickly opened their eyes to the truth (i.e., the fact that tens of millions were killed and maimed for the sole purpose of deciding whether the British or the German robbers should plunder the largest number of countries), all these spheres of social life are heavily charged with inflammable material and are creating numerous causes of conflicts, crises and an intensification of the class struggle. We do not and cannot know which spark—of the innumerable sparks that are flying about in all countries as a result of the world economic and political crisis—will kindle the conflagration, in the sense of raising up the masses; we must, therefore, with our new and communist principles, set to work to stir up all and sundry, even the oldest, mustiest and seemingly hopeless spheres, for otherwise we shall not be able to cope with our tasks, shall not be comprehensively prepared, shall not be in possession of all the weapons and shall not prepare ourselves either to gain victory over the bourgeoisie (which arranged all aspects of social life—and has now disarranged them—in its bourgeois fashion), or to bring about the impending communist reorganisation of every sphere of life, following that victory.


¡Caciques al GULAG!
Workers of the World, Unite!
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Tory Russia

Neozarist Russia, a conservative power against the Arab Revolution...!!!

The Russian Oligarchic regime speaks out in defense of 
'the mess we're in'...!!!

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Workers of the World, Unite!
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Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Antes roto que cortijo

¡Cortijo-España, antes roto que cortijo!

¡Ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja!

¡¡¡Caciques contra caciques!!!
¡¡¡Cortijo-España contra Cortijo-Cataluña!!!

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Workers of the World, Unite!
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Chile 1973


Presos de la ilusión pacifista y haciendo caso omiso de los oportunos consejos y la acumulada sabiduría de la Unión Soviética y el proletariado internacional en la guerra de clases, que conminaban a tomar control de todos los mecanismos del Estado, especialmente de las Fuerzas Armadas, el Chile de Allende y su gobierno izquierdista radical burgués, cometen los 'mismos' esenciales errores de la II República Española y sucumben, con un heroismo de última hora, a la inebitable traición, sevicia y sadismo de los explotadores...

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Workers of the World, Unite!
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Hiperinmigración Amariconada Italia

¡¡¡Nueva Ofensiva Vaticana contra los trabajadores europeos!!!

¡¡¡Los curas nazifascistas se traen a sus huestes del Tercer Mundo!!!

¡¡¡Los conventos serán movilizados contra los trabajadores europeos y serán convertidos en albergues del esquirolismo!!! 

¡¡¡El Vaticano abrirá más factorías esclavistas o centros de importación de inmigrantes ante la apatía, indiferencia o connivencia de gran parte del amariconado populacho italiano y europeo!!! 

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Workers of the World, Unite!
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Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Nacht und Nebel en Cortijo-España

¿Dónde está Bassiri?

En otro de sus descarados, regulares y racistas ataques propagandísticos contra Marruecos, la prensa nazi-izquierdista de Cortijo-España, completamente superada por lo que el despreciable populacho y sus caciques han dado en llamar 'Memoria Histórica' (y que, como tantas otras cosas en este inmundo cortijo se describiría mejor como 'Desmemoria Histórica'), nos recuerda la aciaga suerte de 'los primeros saharauis (españoles...!!!) desaparecidos por la represión marroquí' en 1976 (ver y 

Con una supuesta investigación forense y arqueológica, llevada a cabo por un grupo de 'doctores y científicos' vasquistas, es decir, universicarios de raza 'superior' vasca, se pretende dar cobertura y munición humanitario-caritativa, política y jurídica a cierto partido saharaui y a las groseras y burdas maquinaciones de la caciquía cortijero-española y sus babosos aliados (instrumentos...!!!) izquierdistas y 'nazionalistas'. 

Es normal que la memoria de esta gentuza, solo alcance a los estratos más superficiales de las dudosas y brutales actividades represivas de Marruecos pues, si cavaran un poco más, descubrirían los horrorosos basculamientos y plegamintos de las bestiales actividades coloniales de sus, no tan lejanos, antepasados, los caciques de Cortijo-España. 

Es así que nadie busca o se interesa, ni vasquistas, ni españolistas, ni babosos izquieridstas, por la suerte de uno de los líderes independentistas del Sáhara, Sidi Bassiri, detenido, torturado y 'desaparecido', bajo custodia 'legal', en una clásica operación de 'Nacht und Nebel' franquista, por las fuerzas coloniales cortijero-españolas, tras la salvaje represión y masacre de la 'Intifada de Zemla', en la que al menos una decena de españoles (con o sin DNI), murieron a manos de la Legión y la policía de Cortijo-España.

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Workers of the World, Unite!
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Monday, 9 September 2013

The role of Sirionazism in Lebanon

In January 1976, a Syrian proposal to restore the limits to the Palestinian guerrilla presence in Lebanon, which had been in place prior to the outbreak of the civil war, was welcomed by Maronites and conservative Muslims, but rejected by the Palestinian guerrillas and their Lebanese Druze-led and leftist allies. In June 1976, to deal with the opposition posed by this latter group (which was normally allied with Syria), Syria dispatched Palestinian units under its control into Lebanon, and soon after sent in its own troops as well. Syrian claims these interventions came in response to appeals from Christian villagers under attack by Leftists in Lebanon. 

By October 1976, Syria had caused significant damage to the strength of the Leftists and their Palestinian allies, but at a meeting of the Arab League, it was forced to accept a ceasefire.



In June 1976, with fighting throughout the country and the Maronites on the verge of defeat, President Suleiman Frangieh called for Syria intervention in Lebanon, on the grounds that the port of Beirut would be closed and that is how Syria received a large portion of their goods. Maronite fears had been greatly exacerbated by the Damour massacre of nearly 700 Maronite Christians, and both sides felt the stakes had been raised above mere political power. Syria responded by ending its prior affiliation with the Palestinian Rejectionist Front and began supporting the Maronite-dominated government. This technically put Syria on the same side as Israel, as Israel had already begun to supply Maronite forces with arms, tanks, and military advisers in May 1976. Syria had its own political and territorial interests in Lebanon, which harbored cells of the Islamists and anti-Ba'athist Muslim Brotherhood, and was also a possible route of attack for Israel.


¡Caciques al GULAG!
Workers of the World, Unite!
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Jumblatt on Assad

¡Caciques al GULAG!
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Rice advocates action against Sirionazism

After the desertion of defeated and war exhausted Britain, was Russia providing a fig leaf for America to escape action in Syria?

Will the American People be able to maintain the war and revolution in Syria in spite of themselves or their oligarchy?

Susan Rice calls for action against the Nazi regime in Syria...!!!

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Workers of the World, Unite!
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Charte de la laïcité

La République est laïque. La Nation confie à l'École la mission de faire partager aux élèves les valeurs de la République. 

1. La France est une République indivisible, laïque, démocratique et sociale. Elle assure l'égalité devant la loi, sur l'ensemble de son territoire, de tous les citoyens. Elle respecte toutes les croyances. 

2. La République laïque organise la séparation des religions et de l'État. L'État est neutre à l'égard des convictions religieuses ou spirituelles. Il n'y a pas de religion d'État. 

3. La laïcité garantit la liberté de conscience à tous. Chacun est libre de croire ou de ne pas croire. Elle permet la libre expression de ses convictions, dans le respect de celles d'autrui et dans les limites de l'ordre public. 

4. La laïcité permet l'exercice de la citoyenneté, en conciliant la liberté de chacun avec l'égalité et la fraternité de tous dans le souci de l'intérêt général. 

5. La République assure dans les établissements scolaires le respect de chacun de ces principes. 

6. La laïcité de l'École offre aux élèves les conditions pour forger leur personnalité, exercer leur libre arbitre et faire l'apprentissage de la citoyenneté. Elle les protège de tout prosélytisme et de toute pression qui les empêcheraient de faire leurs propres choix. 

7. La laïcité assure aux élèves l'accès à une culture commune et partagée. 

8. La laïcité permet l'exercice de la liberté d'expression des élèves dans la limite du bon fonctionnement de l'École comme du respect des valeurs républicaines et du pluralisme des convictions. 

9. La laïcité implique le rejet de toutes les violences et de toutes les discriminations, garantit l'égalité entre les filles et les garçons et repose sur une culture du respect et de la compréhension de l'autre. 

10. Il appartient à tous les personnels de transmettre aux élèves le sens et la valeur de la laïcité, ainsi que des autres principes fondamentaux de la République. Ils veillent à leur application dans le cadre scolaire. Il leur revient de porter la présente charte à la connaissance des parents d'élèves. 

11. Les personnels ont un devoir de stricte neutralité : ils ne doivent pas manifester leurs convictions politiques ou religieuses dans l'exercice de leurs fonctions. 

12. Les enseignements sont laïques. Afin de garantir aux élèves l'ouverture la plus objective possible à la diversité des visions du monde ainsi qu'à l'étendue et à la précision des savoirs, aucun sujet n'est a priori exclu du questionnement scientifique et pédagogique. Aucun élève ne peut invoquer une conviction religieuse ou politique pour contester à un enseignant le droit de traiter une question au programme. 

13. Nul ne peut se prévaloir de son appartenance religieuse pour refuser de se conformer aux règles applicables dans l'École de la République. 

14. Dans les établissements scolaires publics, les règles de vie des différents espaces, précisées dans le règlement intérieur, sont respectueuses de la laïcité. Le port de signes ou tenues par lesquels les élèves manifestent ostensiblement une appartenance religieuse est interdit. 

15. Par leurs réflexions et leurs activités, les élèves contribuent à faire vivre la laïcité au sein de leur établissement.

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Workers of the World, Unite!
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