Saturday, 15 March 2014

China knifes Russia

China and the conquest of Mackinder's Heartland. 

The abstention of China in the UNSC on the Crimean question, represents a new strategic and diplomatic disaster for the rotten Okhrana regime that controls Russia. This new defeat signals not only the complete isolation of the mafia in Moscow but, more importantly, the confirmation that China, a China that bases its development on Western technology, markets and the sacrifices of Western and Chinese workers alike, is not, and cannot be, a reliable ally for Oligorussia. The rift opened between the USSR and the PRC during the neocommunist era, is wide, deep and permanent in a world of cut throat capitalist competition. 

It is not only that China is terrified of secessionist movements in its provinces or that, in spite of the rhetoric and the moronic hallucinations of the leftists, China's main allies are the US and Europe, but rather that, if and when China masters the necessary power and independence, they will be directed against the weakest point, towards the rich resources and empty spaces of Siberia and the Heartland, implementing, almost to the letter, one of the scenarios already envisaged by Mackinder: a Sino-Japanese empire without Japan. The spoils are not for sharing! 

The rottenness of Russia, paraded with imperial anachronism, glittering tackiness and criminal support for nazi tyranny in places like Syria, has invited a multiple assault from the world powers in different directions. In the West, Ukraine is lost and Crimea is full of minorities that will stir up sooner or later. In the East, China is waiting for its opportunity to strike. The North is full of nuclear submarines and bombers. And in the South, the all important Afghanistan, will soon be abandoned to its fate by NATO, creating a vacuum that will suck in the Banana Republics of Central Asia and expose the Heartland. Russia cannot be saved and does not deserve to be saved, but its workers might spark again a World Revolution...

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