German workers pay for reproduction of liberal labour...!!!
Germanistan's criminal and putrid oligarchy drives Germans to extinction through demographic aggression...!!!
Cooked figures show at least 20% of newborns from immigrant mothers...!!!
Germany to cook in its own folly...!!!
Zero Cost Labour
Let them come...!!!
Revolution through saturation...!!!
It's alright... the more... the worse... the worse... the better...!!!
Endophobic conspiracy to be judged by international proletariat...!!!
Moronic oligarchy hangs itself as Lenin predicted...!!!
Germany commits suicide and destroys Europe again...!!!
Zu den Waffen selbst...!!!
¡Caciques al GULAG!
Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!
¡Reciprocidad! ¡Repatriación! ¡Revolución!