The Division Background
Divide et Impera, the battle cry of the American and International oligarchy, has been organised in a mechanical and calculated way in order to prevent the feared union of the Working Class. Any possible trick, excuse and justification has been used in the pursuit of such a prime objective, including...
Through illegal immigration and the subversion, emptying and undermining of the legal system of immigration, a new type of 'citizenry', badly paid and housed in unmixed ghettoes, has been created, pliable, fearful, hopeful and dependable on the fabrications of the exploiters, insolent with the law abiding citizen and ready for anything at any cost. The type required for the unrestrained liberal exploitation of the workers.
An old favourite of the oligarchy, the division of the population by gender, based on obvious natural characteristics, has been created, bolstered and blurred when necessary, by a legion of furious and militant feminazi and faggotnazi organisations, bent on a forceful and violent imposition of the most lunatic and revolting 'theories' and conjectures of mankind over an impotent and defenceless population. All in pursuit of the most maniacal mental and physical submission to the 'master' race.
Another physical trait reinforced, if not created, by social conditions and migration movements, this old division has been extensively abused in the US and elsewhere to prevent the union of workers, introducing disruptive and effective ethno-cultural barriers, bad blood and blatant reciprocal discrimination among the labour and security forces, that keep the division alive. It is not fortuitous that the Clintons come from the oligarchy of Arkansas, a State with ample 'Democrat' experience in the racial division of the Working Class population.
Taxes and 'Free Trade'
Migration, gender, race and other types of discrimination are, among other things, taxes on certain segments of the Working Class. Tithes paid through unfair competition, lower wages, direct duties and different subsidies to lazy and ignorant academics, corrupt politicians, criminals, churches, NGO's or direct competitors.
Zero Cost Labour
Oligarchy in panic...!!!
America in revolt...!!!
Zu den Waffen selbst...!!!
¡Caciques al GULAG!
Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!
¡Reciprocidad! ¡Repatriación! ¡Revolución!