Tuesday 17 July 2018

Panta Fake

 Красная Aрмия
1918 - 2018
Red Army

Deligitimation of American Democracy

Immigrationist Tyranny

The immigrationist oligarchy launches all out campaing against 'democracy'...!!!

Bourgeois 'Democracy' Rots

It has become a common strategy for the Immigrationist oligarchy and its moronic lackeys, to deny the lectoral majority of President Trump, either by numbers or by a supposed Russian 'meddling' of their own invention.

The majority in the US presidential elections is determined by a mixed system of vote, that takes account of the number of people AND the electoral colleges, which is a mechanism to balance the relative overpopulation of certain areas and avoid the problems that that could bring with it.

The supposed Russian meddling consisted, perhaps, in the hacking of Mrs. Clinton's computer data that seemed to be of public interest and, therefore, justified, as it uncovered the dodgy dealings of the swamp.

Those who dispute the results of the Presidential election, dispute the whole democratic system of America and therefore, the laws and the Constitution of the USA. What is more, in reality, the number of votes obtained by the Clinton campaign are fraudulent, as they were obtained, in an unequal fight, through the influence of forced demographic change and manipulation and the overwhelming support of fake news, fake academia, fake government, fake civil service and all the blackmail mechanisms, threats and terrorism at the disposal of a corrupt and treacherous oligarchy. Clinton's 'majority' is a FAKE 'majority'.

Like with the Brexit referendum, the immigrationist oligarchy tries, by any means and at all costs, to undermine, ridicule and denigrate the popular vote and the democratic decisions taken by the majority of the American people, even in voting processes that have followed the rules and laws imposed by that corrupt oligarchy. By subverting their own biased and fake democracy, their own rules, they will force people to take the 'adequate measures' against the tyranny they are imposing upon us all. Those who want to revise the 'democratic' results produced by their own system of exploitation, will have a lot to answer for and nowhere to run to.

Zu den Waffen selbst...!!!
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