Wednesday 28 April 2021

The Green Protocol

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021


It is false to think that consumption will drive a change of paradigm and open the doors to a more virtuous green world. The secret of 'extractive' capitalism (as believers like to call it without acknowledging that any capitalism is 'extractive'), is in production, as Marx already indicated. The massive propaganda efforts that we see today to convince a, more or less, powerless population, are production driven, not based on consumption. Thus, it is the PRODUCERS of 'green' manufactures, supported by 'their' governments and different regimes around the planet, the ones that are SELLING their wares and CREATING a strong demand for them with their political propaganda and pressure. The power of consumption is very limited and, although in a few cases has shown some influence, it cannot change a system, as nobody can change to something that does not exists. Production has to be created and be functional for a change to be produced. Today, the 'green' industry, through massive subsidies or tax expropriation, has created his products and is ready to create its own demand and sell.


Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!