Saturday 21 October 2017

UN: United Nescience

1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions

Zero Cost Labour

UN agencies, infiltrated by Third World tyrannies and their oligarchic 'First World' pals provide the infrastructure of despotism and terror...!!!

United Nations' Oligarchy in a callous spiral of crime, theft, corruption and tyranny...!!!

UNESCO, WHO, UNHRC... expropriated by putrid international oligarchy...!!!

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Friday 20 October 2017

Global Warning

1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions

Class War Pollution

Pollution is another type of exploitation. Part and parcel of the kind of globalisation we have been subjected to. Another variety of the expropriation of the commons. The global attack on organised labour, especially against the most advanced part of it, the West, needed a cheap and deregulated industry, based on migrant cheap labour and low quality goods that coudl support that labour and break the back of more advanced forms of work through unfair competition. That is why climate change agreements, fairs and jamborees had not and will not have anything but a cosmetic impact on pollution. That is why Trump’s withdrawal from international accords might not be that important, if that is balanced with reciprocity and retaliation against unfair competition. In fact, the climate change movement can be thought of as (even when unconcious and well intentioned), a reinforcement of the globalisation aggression against all workers in the world. As long as India, China or other countries are allowed to export their unfairly polluting goods with no restrain and control against those who respect environmental regulations, the cause of ecology is lost.

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Thursday 19 October 2017

¡¡¡Arderéis como en el 36!!!

1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions

¡¡¡Ya arden!!!

¡¡¡España Mátalos!!!

¡¡¡La caciquía en plena rebelión contra España!!!

¡¡¡Losantos se rinde a la evidencia y llama a la Revolución!!!

¡¡¡España traicionada de nuevo por su casta podrida de políticos y caciques!!!

Spanish Workers betrayed again by a putrid and terrorist oligarchy of cretins that try to recreate Feudalism...!!!

¡¡¡Contra la Secesión Racista!!!

¡¡¡Contra los Políticos Traidores!!!

¡¡¡Contra la traición de los caciques!!!


¡¡¡Moriréis de uno en uno como en el 31!!!

¡¡¡Arriba España!!!

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Wednesday 18 October 2017

Auditoría de la Inmigración

1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions

Zero Cost Labour

Who brought them in...???!!!

¿Quién los ha traído?

Quebec has to ban veil giving the lie to cretin J. 'Prudeau' and his Immigrationist Nazis...!!!

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1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions


Permanent Primitive Accumulation


Permanent Primitive Plunder

Reconstitution of the Chinese Empire

Despite heavy sacrifices and a very strong determination and will that should be applauded and welcomed, China remains a, relatively, weak power. The rebirth of the Chinese Empire is not as autonomous as it might appear and depends on the good will of the West and, above all, the slumbering of the Western Working Class and the treasonable behaviour of its oligarchy. China’s present survival is linked to her bad quality exports and mass migration, interior and, specially, exterior migration and ‘colonisation’ that allows her polluting and substandard industry to dump its goods, produced in conditions of unfair competion, very low wages and deficient conditions, to destroy and disorganise the workers in the West. That is why, Trump’s triumph, that should be understood as a wake up call for the Western Working Class, was so worrying for China. They are certainly not laughing in China about Trump (Trump knows China and, it is obvious, the unfair restrictions that apply there to foreign businesses), something that can be seen with the Korean crisis. 

Some people believe that the Chinese work ethics has catapulted China to the top of the World, but that work ethics is a bit of a myth, a 'paper tiger'; to work for extended hours at a low level of productivity and with a limited know-how, with a tired workforce that has to be buttressed by numbers, has and should not have any attraction for mankind (overpopulation and restrictions to foreigners have to do with these issues). The Chinese themselves know that and try very hard to go beyond that phase of underdevelopment but, quick ‘capitalisation and expropriation’ is forcing them to revert to a pre-revolutionary state that has brought back its feudal lords and compradores, reproducing the ills and struggles of the past, the recent past… in the next bout of revolutionary struggle, China will count with an immense semi-weternised 'student' and professional population that will not be able to expropriate the vast riches of the country, then… ‘Mao' will talk again…!

No Labour... No Capital...!!!

No Socialism... No Capitalism...!!!

Terror against terror...!!!

Justice by Dread

Revolution only solution...!!!

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Estética de la Traición Pura

1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions

The Rape of Spain...!!!

¡¡¡España Traicionada de Nuevo!!!

Frente Racista Popular

Alta Traición Transparente

¡¡¡La canalla caciquil en rebelión contra España!!!

¡¡¡La PPPSOEPNVCIU... en colusión contra España!!!

¡¡¡Quien siembra vientos recoge tempestades!!!

¡¡¡Corrupción!!! ¡¡¡Construcción!!! ¡¡¡Inmigración!!!

¡¡¡La casta política de traidores gaznápiros, cobardes y maricones se lanza en una ofensiva general contra los trabajadores españoles!!!

¡¡¡España Despierta!!!

¡¡¡España Mátalos!!!

¡¡¡Arriba España!!!

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Tuesday 17 October 2017

One Dick State

1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions

The Rape of Africa...!!!

Zuma Africa...!!!

Russian, Chinese and Indian Capitalists 'capture' South Africa...!!!

Zimbabwe, Angola, South Africa, USSR, Cuba… and the list goes on and on… Africa and the Third World in general, cannot leave behind that ‘minority’ age that invites all type of abuses and crimes. Even the West is imitating this ’tyrannical’ putrefaction with dismal leaders ‘elected' for life… The pattern is clear now. A heroic political and military struggle, followed by a no less heroic ’socialist’ accumulation to fill the national coffers and, then, a ghastly privatisation and expropriation by a gang of macabre and grisly knaves...!!!

Savagery's take-over of universal proportions...!!!

Infinite Monarchy and Corruption

Killing the 'Great Father'... only solution for civilisation...!!!

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