Tuesday 14 September 2021

War Immigrationism

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

It is called War Immigrationism... bomb, invade and destroy a country or region, to force, one way or another, a demographic exodus towards the West, paid for by the workers in the West, against the workers in the West... a magic bullet against ALL workers of the world. Cheap labour and slavery, all under the appearance of 'humanitarianism'...!!!

Of course, immigration is only one of the benefits of your conspiratorial elites... The war effort itself, in Afghanistan, Iraq and other places, is also a business. From military industrial development and production to mercenaries/contractors, it is all a very big business. Even the opium production, that many are so keen to blame on the Taliban (that almost eliminated it before the invasion), grew under your invasion.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!


The Camel's Back

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Those who thought that by destroying the Socialist Movement they could live the life of Riley, with no struggle, fights or troubles, are finding out that they are defenceless and cannot defend themselves under the relentless and insatiable attack of the elites.

Those who have little properties (most of them because of the sell out of common property during the Thatcher Era) and profited from jobs (jobs that were not subject to today's brutal global unfair competition), will have to pay more and more taxes to the 'Lords and Masters' that always controlled the West.

You allowed yourselves to be fooled by these smoke merchants and destroyed Socialism and now you do not have 'teeth' to defend yourselves. What is more, it is unlikely that anyone will defend you, as the generations you have created are, mostly, useless for that task. It is just a question of time... They play you pay.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!


Police Socialism

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Like in the past, today's societies are being subjected to a brutal Feudal Reaction. The destruction of the USSR and the Socialist Movement associated, directly or indirectly to it, meant a destruction of the controls that could stop an all out attack by the exploiters against the workers.

'Socialist' policies can and regularly are, indeed, used to harness the productive potential of the masses for the benefit of exploiters. As a matter of fact, capitalism itself, depends on the regular appropriation and privatisation of a communal property that is regularly rebuild and, as regularly, plundered. What we call a Permanent Primitive Accumulation (of Capital).

Nobody should be fooled, a 'Socialism' controlled by the exploiters, is a system that can only be used for the benefit of the exploiters. In pre-revolutionary Russia, for example, the nobles that exploited the serfs 'imposed' a communal system among their 'slaves' (serfdom was even worst than slavery), to better exploit and abuse them. Something similar is happening in today's world...

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!


Don't Rock the Boat

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Britain is being invaded by sea... Immmigrationists have unleashed an invasion that looks, short of a 'miracle', unstoppable. The bucket stops here and it is full... Given the fanatic immigrationist political class in control of the West and its numerous supporters, it is unlikely that decisive measures can be taken against the crossings.

British society, as those in the Mediterranean where the same phenomenon has been going on for decades is, literally, on its knees like its footballers and, without true working-class direction and organisation, will not and cannot 'rock the boat'.

You cannot drag, you cannot dissuade and, above all, you cannot shoot... and 'Lizzi' is in the Far East on 'tourist' duties. It is already possible to hear the laughs of the French and the EU, immigrationists and anti-immigrationists alike. The end is nigh.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!


On Anti-immigrationism

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

True opposition to immigrationism is not, as many people might think misled by propaganda, a 'right-wing' policy. Marx's First International was created, in London of all places, against the importation of cheap labour. Indeed, 1930's Germany, the one dominated by 'those chaps', was an immigrationist paradise. It is calculated that around a massive 12 Million people worked as immigrant labour (including slave labour and 'guests') for AH's Germany.

The immigrationist elites have, cleverly, used the popular but false association of 'right-wing' politics and anti-immigrationism to avoid a true working-class opposition to immigration and the importation of cheap labour. They know that the workers, normally socialists, will have a strong aversion to cross the political and ideological line and, if they are forced to do it under the pressure of economic ruin brought by immigrationism, they will fall in the hands of their friends.

That is what is going on today. A process made easier by the infiltration and destruction of the true socialist working-class parties. Basically, people is defenceless and it is likely that it will be forced to fall into right-wing 'rhetoric' and politics, but that is unlikely to stop immigrationism.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!


The Woke Eleven

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

The putrid elites have launch a new round of fake ceremonies to 'commemorate' the attacks on America. These kind of 'Teddy Bear' ceremonies and cults, are only important for those who want to hide their guilt or their ignorance. They commemorate mushy and gushy feelings in the name of political submission and manipulation. They are, in truth, a communion with the guilty elites that have taken America and the West, up the garden path, to destruction. Guilt hides in the corny and dewy eye political smoke of official ceremonies.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!


No more Trump

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

The last thing America needs is another 'dementia' President, even if an anti-immigrationist one. Trump was OK as an introduction and to break the deadlock.

In fact, Trump might have even been the product of a kind of 'conspiracy' (we know that you love conspiracy theories), to smooth and wear out discontent and opposition among the working class and let out steam. A kind of controlled 'Brexit' under non-Brexit old elites, that can be sabotaged from the inside. That might explain why Trump did not carry out the most important policies against immigration.

In any case, the Americans, like the Brits and other Westerners and Easterners, should recreate socialist parties or they will be eliminated from history.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!


Blame it on the Boogie

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:


The creation, organisation and funding of Islamists groups and guerrillas around the world is, essentially, linked to the 'religious' strategy followed by the Western elites in their Cold War against the USSR, Communism and Liberation Movements in the Third World.

Saudi Arabia, under the close protection of the Western oligarchies that benefited from the oil business (especially, but not exclusively, the oligarchies of the USA and the UK), took, indeed, an active part in that strategy, but cannot be held responsible for the development of a flawed, callous and mistaken strategy that folded on itself and, finally, collapsed in Afghanistan.

The attacks in America were just a copycat of the plane attack that Algerian Islamists (many returnees from the US/Western/Saudi funded guerrillas in Afghanistan) were going to carry out against Paris (attacks on the Eiffel Tower and stopped in Marseille Airport by French Commandos), due to the obscure involvement of France in the cruel Civil War in Algeria. There was a small step to attack the source of Western power and imperialism.

The blame game against Saudi Arabia, can be classified as an exercise in evading clear responsibilities by the Western elites in their brutal raising of religious and tribal fanaticism against Communism and Revolutions. Today, those who were taken by the propaganda, know that every action has a reaction or, rather, that every reactionary policy can only lead to disaster.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!
