Tuesday 14 September 2021

The Camel's Back

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Those who thought that by destroying the Socialist Movement they could live the life of Riley, with no struggle, fights or troubles, are finding out that they are defenceless and cannot defend themselves under the relentless and insatiable attack of the elites.

Those who have little properties (most of them because of the sell out of common property during the Thatcher Era) and profited from jobs (jobs that were not subject to today's brutal global unfair competition), will have to pay more and more taxes to the 'Lords and Masters' that always controlled the West.

You allowed yourselves to be fooled by these smoke merchants and destroyed Socialism and now you do not have 'teeth' to defend yourselves. What is more, it is unlikely that anyone will defend you, as the generations you have created are, mostly, useless for that task. It is just a question of time... They play you pay.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!
