Saturday 10 April 2021

Antivaxxers for the vax

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021


Antivaxxers, in general, are NOT against the vax, but against the forceful imposition of the vax on those who, for whatever reason, do not want to take it. In spite of the dubious statistical data, the scare-mongering, the false propaganda and the massive manipulation of the situation, we antivaxxers think that people should be allowed to take the vax if so they wish. It is true that we think that the whole operation is based on lies, scaremongering and brutal manipulation, that there has been an exaggerated reaction and unjustified fear about covid and its effects, however, as long as people is kept 'informed' about the possible risks of taking the vax and is not imposed on them, antivaxxers are happy to help the vaxxers to take their jabs. Also, there is some problems with the financial implications of the vax, but we understand that many vaxxers are taxpayers and want to use their taxes for their vaxxes. That should not be any problem, as long as health systems and the 'Commonwealth' are not ruined by these measures. Antivaxxers say give the people what they want, under their own responsibility.


Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Guns and Crime

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021


It is false to relate the right to bear arms to crime. One thing is a political right, the other is a sociological phenomenon. Many countries have high levels of knife crime, with very violent deaths in countryside and city alike, but nobody can seriously suggest that knives should be banned. Car accidents or terrorist attacks are a very serious problem around the world, but nobody could seriously suggest that cars should be banned, etc... Gun crime could be controlled in ways that do not infringe on the rights of citizens to bear arms. Switzerland and Sweden, for example, do not suffer excessive gun crime because of the political right of their citizens to bear arms. There are many ways to arm citizens and prevent crime. Indeed, 'a well regulated militia' could be a deterrent against gun crime.


Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Thursday 8 April 2021


Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021


The disarming, step by step, of the American people, like it has come to pass in many other countries, is a clear strategy of the dominant classes in their class war against the citizens. The laws to limit and disarm militias and individuals, to eliminate the constitutional rights of the people to defend their countries, their properties and their lives, at any moment and without notice, is designed to eradicate and cancel (as it is part and parcel of the cancel culture of today), a possible opposition to the rulers and upper classes of a nation. Thus, it is very clear that, the suppression of guns among the citizenry, will protect the use of guns among all those who, in their palaces, states, mansions and manors, in their hunting trips and safaris, will still be able to use and own any type of gun that they please, train with the latest weapons and be ready to oppress anyone that resist their tyranny, now or in the future. Gun crime is only an alibi for class domination and submission. America should defend the Second Amendment and all countries of the world should introduce a Second Amendment in their constitutions. Free citizens should be Amenderos.


Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Wednesday 7 April 2021

'Clip' the 'Clapers'

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021


Many people, those who clap, is completely convinced by dubious statistics, questionable medical practices and suspicious political machinations of those who have clear financial interests in pharmaceutical and health supply businesses, that the emergency measures and the vaccination programme is adequate and the proper way to proceed. So much so that they are prepare to risk their own bodies with vaccines developed in an improbable short time and with uncharacteristically small data and research. If that is their wish they should be indulged, as long as they do not force the rest of the population to follow their risky and suicidal ways. 

There is, of course, the issue of the improper use of taxpayers money and emergency disturbance to normal life. However, as most of the vaxxers, the clapers that clap, are also taxpayers, they should have some right to satisfy and calm down their manias and emotional disorders, as long as they do not break the public purse or drive society to tyrannical rule. Let them assume their own responsibilities with contracts that protect the State of any claims related to side effects from these exaggerated reaction. Let the 'people' take their 'vaccines' and, with them, their responsibility. Let's 'clip' the clapers... let the clapers 'clip' themselves.


Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Sunday 4 April 2021

Freedom of Speech

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021


Those sheepish 'liberal' minds that want to impose their cowardly ways to others, their fear of living and thinking, should be aware that it is not freedom of speech the reason that drives people to the 'ultimate' measures that they dread so much, but censorship and the 'unfreedom' of tyranny. As Marx would say, freedom of speech 'transforms material battles into ideal battles, the battle of flesh and blood into that of the spirit and intellect'... Freedom of speech is a simulator to avoid bloodshed and carnage, by blocking freedom of speech you will obtain the opposite of your asinine ideas and ideals. No silence and submission but revolt... you might deserve that and more of the serious consequences of that, indeed, but you will not be able to say that you were not warned about your insanity.


Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!