Thursday 16 December 2021

Proletarian History

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

British elites, in collusion with the ones in Russia, Germany and other places, went to WWI to kill millions of WORKERS and destroy their organisations. The Russian Revolution, made by REAL Socialists, put a stop to the killing and assassination of the working classes of Europe. Although many treacherous 'Westerners' tried to restore Tsarism, with military interventions in a brutal Civil War, they were defeated and the threat of Communist Revolution brought some respite from exploitation to the workers in the West. During WWII, another attempt at the destruction of Revolution, the UK capitalists BEGGED the Socialist Party to save Britain, as they were badly beaten again and again. Socialist Labour saved Britain with the help of the Communists of the world.

After the war, many were, essentially, bribed with NHS and the Welfare State. The elites bought social peace with a Welfare State that today, after the disappearance of the USSR as main Communist threat, they are proceeding to dismantle in wave after wave of shock therapy and crises: the Financial Crisis and, today, an artificially and fake, Medical Crisis that seeks the destruction of the NHS (the jewel of the Socialist Movement), and the diversion of public funds to private companies and a corrupt and silent political class. The whole process, of course, has been made possible because of the infiltration of the Labour Party and its effective emasculation as a working class fighting organisation. Indeed, New Labour is at the forefront of the attack...!!!

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Medical Capitalism

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

We face a new privatisation drive to plunder the NHS, health systems and the majority of the population, paradoxically supported by a majority of a, terrorised and meek, population. Indeed, the lockdowns, vaxxes and other emergency measures, are a privatisation of the NHS by HEALTHY people that has been intimidated and told to behave in a selfish and totally private manner to 'protect' themselves at all costs. This privatisation drive has been helped by public BRIBES called 'furloughing' and other subsidies to private household and private businesses. Not to mention, of course, the billions upon billions diverted to private companies for vaxxes, supplies, etc... as well as the new taxes, that is, transfer of wealth from salaries and public coffers to wealthier people and classes. PURE plundering, ultra-liberal, capitalism, pretending to be 'Communism'.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Leftism is not Communism

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

Leftist parties or individuals, have nothing to do with what normally is understood with Communism, that is, Marxism. Ms Sawant and her supporters, do demonstrate this essential and elemental truth. Indeed, not only Marxism is not an 'anti-coporation' or anti-capitalist philosophy, but neither supports mass immigrationism, LGTB 'rights', ethnic demands or the legalisation of drugs, among other absurd policies.

Leftism is an extremely important version of bourgeois politics, as it is a substitute for real Communist organisation and revolutionary action. Ms Sawant and the author of this article, seem to have mistaken moral indignation and sentiments about poverty and the plight of the poor and the destitute, in essence charity, with Communism, a very common mistake promoted by the exploiters at every opportunity.

The policies of these leftist are clearly self-defeating and can be easily exposed. For instance, their apparent care and concern for homelessness and rent prices, are brutally contradicted and undermined by their support for mass, legal or illegal, immigration. Not to mention their fake minimum wages or bribes. Ms Sawant, with clearly wealthy family connections in mother India, seems to be the accidental political beneficiary of a changing demographics in the global USA, not a true and genuine Communist.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Monday 13 December 2021

Noble Savage

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

It is mistaken to think that the East, understood in a broad sense that includes the South or the Third World, has, somehow a moral or spiritual superiority over the West, let alone a political one. The Western fable of the 'Eastern' or 'Southern' Noble Savage, absorbed, interiorised and brutally used and manipulated by the ruthless oligarchies of the East to confound and dominate their own populations and intimidate those of the West, is false.

Empirical evidence suggests that, although some 'savages' could have been noble, indeed, as noble as any other Western 'savage' at least, the populations of the 'East' have never been exempt of merciless exploitation, greed and material lust. The most recent history of the world, shows that the eagerness for consumption and material wealth of emerging societies like China, Russia, India or Vietnam, has been as fundamental and pervasive as that found in the most greedy and 'materialist' of Western societies, if not more.

The thin veneer of spirituality, simplicity and modesty in 'Eastern' societies, normally forced on the majority for sheer poverty, deprivation, or impotence cannot fool any serious observer. The numerous nouveau rich, the massive greed of the oligarchs and billionaires and the insatiable thirst for consumption of the 'East', have only parallels in the vane fables of mythical history. Indeed, the ideological and greedy pull exercised by the fake glitter of a 'wealthy' West, that based its real wealth on the bloody struggles of organised labour, has attracted and deluded many 'Eastern' populations to such an extend, that it might have caused the collapse of 'socialist' societies by disinterest, despondency and mass migration to the West.

Glitter, kitsch, pageantry and display of wealth are a common trait among 'Eastern' peoples, even more than among some classes in the West. If neither political freedom, nor political conciousness, is easy to get in the West because of the strenuous efforts of the exploiters to depoliticise the population, in the 'East' there few and far between those who protest, show conciousness or even think about politics. The 'East' still lags behind in political struggle and 'freedom', political 'freedom' is not a commodity on true demand. The West is, like even Mr Zizek mentioned some time ago, catching up, fast, with the depoliticised 'East', the absolute rule of the 'Eastern Mandarins' in which, as Hegel said, 'only one is free'. That is what is going on in the world of today. Sadly, 'East' or West, there is no 'Noble Savage'.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

West is Best

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

What is the West...??? Like all generalisations the concept of the West is something problematic. The material, military and intellectual successes of the 'West' or Western Civilization or countries, have attracted many spurious 'growths' around the concept of the West that could be, without a doubt, dismissed from that Western 'Elysian Fields'.

The continuation and transformation of Greek and Roman civilizations, could be the best approximation to the concept of the West. From an intellectual point of view, it is has been a synthetic 'Mediterranean' effort, in constant and bloody struggle to eliminate religious and mystical conceptions, rationalise the study and understanding of nature and improve material and economic progress though a, more or less, constant technological application and change. All born from the depths of class struggle.

The Western approach is, essentially, rational, equalitarian and hence, international, that is, Socialist. That is why Lenin and many revolutionaries in the East understood that the West was best and, so, they fought for a complete 'Westernisation' of their countries and the whole world. Even Stalin's socialism in one country, was just a delaying tactic until the worldwide triumph of Socialism.

The adoption of the East-West confrontation and, essentially and silently, 'racist' approach is a reactionary tactic of the, collaborating, oligarchies of the world. Thus, the elites of the West are happy to create an almost 'biological' division in the world, that allows them to evade the international union of the proletariat, create enmity between the fake concepts of 'rich' and 'poor' countries and create an ideology of guilt in their populations that paralyses resistance to immigration and the importation of cheap labour and gives a rational of vengeance against the West to immigrant populations. In the East, the demonisation of the West, provides elites with ready-made escape goats, the well known 'Western' foreigner and alibis to conserve the regimes and encourage migration and, with it, the reduction of resistance and opposition.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Marx, Lukacs, Heidegger, Zizek

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

Mr Zizek has very strange conception of 'Orthodox Marxism' and its meaning, which might explain, to a great extend, the troubles and collapse experienced by the 'Marxist' East and, in particular, the brutal destruction of a Yugoslavia that, paradoxically, thought itself the country with most 'freedom' in the East.

Marx, at least in his earlier period, considered the union of the proletariat and philosophy a true revolutionary moment, a moment of historical importance. Therefore, it is likely that he would have approved and encouraged 'assembly line workers', of all men, to read, write and translate philosophy, even the philosophy of a reactionary anti-Marxist like Heidegger. Indeed, the meaning of Heidegger is, precisely, his opposition to Marx and, the most important Marxist philosopher of his time, Lukacs. Heidegger is just a reaction to a Marxist world swimming in the stormy waters of revolution.

Mr Zizek is also a reaction against Marxism, against revolution and class war, the latest in a long list of 'philosophers' of a 'leftist' reaction that pretends to be close to Marxism to destroy it or, rather, divert it (as it cannot be destroyed), from its true meaning of struggle and liberation. In that sense, it is not strange or surprising that Mr Zizek comes from a 'revisionist' Yugoslavia that not only inherited the general backwardness of a rural Easter Europe but, with it, a profound misunderstanding of Marxism. That, of course, is very handy to the globalist elites for the manipulation of Marx and his legacy.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!


Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

The use of the word 'kaffir' like that of 'negroe', even by a 'Nazi' Heidegger, might not have been necessarily a racist slur, especially in the 1930s. The word 'kaffir' derives from the Arabic and designates atheists or 'Godless' people. It became an international term with the Portuguese and Spanish Empires, that used 'cafre', which means something like 'brute' or uncivilised, like the Greek term 'barbaros' opposed to 'citizen'. The term did not have 'racist' connotations and, it could be said that all or most languages and groups use these kind of terms. In South Africa the term might have taken racist overtones during the Apartheid, after Heidegger's writings. Heidegger was very concious of language and the etymology of words.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!


Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

Mr Zizek seems to suffer from a particularly acute, and pitiful in a 'philosopher', version of that infamous rural Eastern European hubris, arrogance and insolence, running on a mistaken and unsustained concept of self-importance that in Hebrew has been called 'chutzpah' and that Mr Liam Neeson dealt with so 'adroitly' in his famous 'Marko from Tropoja' scene in the film Taken.

Symptomatic of Mr Zizek's poor, reactionary, 'post-modernist' and, above all, anti-Marxist interpretation of the world situation and its freedom or lack of it, has to be, of necessity, linked to WESTERN conceptions of freedom and the rational or irrational reflexions of Western philosophy and its followers (Marx, Heidegger, Mao...), East, West, North or South. That is, freedom and the critique of freedom and the ways to obtain it are, essentially, Western concepts and debates and we can assure the author that many in the West are aware and perfectly concious of the shortcomings, difficulties or lack of it, without doubt to a much greater degree that in any other part of the world.

Indeed, Mr Zizek appears to be an uncritical victim of the propaganda of a class dominated media and academia that, East and West, endeavours to portray a total agreement of the populations with class exploitation and its brutal 'cultural' products of conformity and ideological enslavement. Mr Zizek, in his confounded and fake East-West rivalry, itself a product of new and ruthless exploitative elites in the East in connivence with those of the West, mistakes the illusions and lies of the oligarchies with reality.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!