Thursday 26 August 2021

Do not lose your North

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Contrary to what many could think, a US or Western covert 'intervention' is unlikely in the North of Afghanistan. The Taliban were talking to Russia and China, which have major influence in the North. A destabilisation of the North will mean a free hand for the Taliban and many other Islamist groups in the Central Asian republics, something the Russians and Chinese are unlikely to tolerate. It seems that most people want to avoid that. The Western defeat seems world changing, as China is poised to enter the area in full force and stabilise the region, including its own Muslim area. It is a big and real defeat for the Western elites.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

The Fog of War V

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

'At first it was a lie, then a strong delusion and, at last, downright madness'


[As acknowledged admirers of the American, British and NATO Military and their know-how and, sometimes, supporters of their military actions, we would be forgiven if we try to make a critique of the extended and naïve views expressed by the author, without questioning the bravery of combatants on all sides.]

The Veterans

Was the blood of veterans wasted...? This is a difficult question to answer, especially when considering that most soldiers are, as a rule, professionals and, therefore, not involved in the same way as properly volunteer and ideological fighters. Indeed, although hard, it should be acknowledged that, for many, war has been just another job or lucrative business, a way to advance careers or life.

However, from a general military and political perspective, the military effort and blood of soldiers, especially in defeat, is not, necessarily, a waste. On the contrary, if assessed in the right way, the blood and effort of veterans could be extremely important assets for the nation and humanity at large. Those who risked life and limb in good faith, those who put their lives on the line, even when the political reasons given for war could be shaky, have an important expertise that can and should be analysed, criticised and used to avoid new mistakes, warned others and lead new responses to failing and untrustworthy elites.

Defeat should be the detonator of new thinking. Soldiers, especially defeated ones, when spur by a clear political conscience, are common vectors of the most important historical changes. A vanguard among citizens and a catalyst for critique and progress in society. In politics and war, nothing is wasted.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

The Fog of War IV

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

'At first it was a lie, then a strong delusion and, at last, downright madness'


[As acknowledged admirers of the American, British and NATO Military and their know-how and, sometimes, supporters of their military actions, we would be forgiven if we try to make a critique of the extended and naïve views expressed by the author, without questioning the bravery of combatants on all sides.]

The World

The invasion of Afghanistan displaced the Taliban regime to bring back the corrupt warlords defeated by the Islamic Puritans. The mistake has been paid with a historic defeat that, it seems, has unhinged the dominance of the Western elites, secured Russian 'underbelly', surround India by hostile forces and, above all, open wide the race of Red China to the Indian Ocean and world domination.

Red China and her allies, are the strategic victors of decades of conflict in Afghanistan. China will be able to consolidate the area and build on its development and commercial policies around the world. Militarily, with victory in the area, China appears in full force behind Indian 'lines' and her ally, Pakistan, has created a 'Greater Pakistan' with a huge potential for development that can give the economic and military means to face India.

The West, on the contrary, has been plunged by its globalist elites and weak populations, into a strategic crisis that leaves it vulnerable to even more immigrationist assaults, hidden from view by the absurd and fake ideas about 'schools, women and girls' in Afghanistan.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

The Fog of War III

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

'At first it was a lie, then a strong delusion and, at last, downright madness'


[As acknowledged admirers of the American, British and NATO Military and their know-how and, sometimes, supporters of their military actions, we would be forgiven if we try to make a critique of the extended and naïve views expressed by the author, without questioning the bravery of combatants on all sides.]

The Afghans

Although there are many Afghans, of all types and 'sizes', it will be fair to say that, a clear majority, favour a Taliban that, from the Islamic schools and madrasas and with the help of Pakistan, brought some kind of justice, stability and order, even if with draconian measures, to a country plagued by warlords and intervention.

Defeat cannot be blame on a 'local' government or military, the artificial and fake creations of the Western military regime. Something abundantly shown by the, almost, unilateral American decision to withdraw. Indeed, the failure of the invasion is shown, precisely, by the failure of a fake native regime and its military to fight for Western objectives, that were sold to the world as universal.

Afghanistan seems to be in an extremely important phase of its development, as it could stabilise the entire region and, with China's and Pakistan's help, develop the country to an acceptable level. It is true that the creation of an Afghan 'Empire' to the North, if only by default and example, cannot be ruled out, but that is unlikely as it will draw, again, major intervention. The chances are that the Taliban will consolidate gains and shelter under China.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

The Fog of War II

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

'At first it was a lie, then a strong delusion and, at last, downright madness'


[As acknowledged admirers of the American, British and NATO Military and their know-how and, sometimes, supporters of their military actions, we would be forgiven if we try to make a critique of the extended and naïve views expressed by the author, without questioning the bravery of combatants on all sides.]

The British

Although some in Britain would even deny speaking English to blame America, British elites are in the same woke boat as the American ones. The political and military leadership, was not up to the task as they have demonstrated, all along, by believing their own lies. Even the population at large saw that invasions solved nothing and saved nobody, on the contrary, as it happens, made the country more vulnerable in an era of open borders. Indeed, invasion brought, eventually, Regime Change to Britain, not to the larger Middle East.

It would be absurd to suggest that the British Military, with all its capabilities, can stay alone and save little girls and damsels in distress, build schools and hospitals and create a land of Milk and Honey in Afghanistan, especially when it is not even allowed to defend the UK borders.

War is the business of any military, more so of the British Military, a professional force with a long history and proven and, at times, glorious experience, but nobody could be blind to its weaknesses or the motivations of its elites. Building schools and hospitals and saving little girls are good propaganda to keep the moral among what Wellington called the 'scum of the Earth', but it can only go so far.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

The Fog of War I

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

'At first it was a lie, then a strong delusion and, at last, downright madness'


[As acknowledged admirers of the American, British and NATO Military and their know-how and, sometimes, supporters of their military actions, we would be forgiven if we try to make a critique of the extended and naïve views expressed by the author, without questioning the bravery of combatants on all sides.]

The Americans

The war was flawed from the beginning, as it was based on lies that, unlike in other occasions, could not survive the confrontation with a determined, religious and ideologically motivated, enemy in a suitable geopolitical terrain. The populations of the West, also, knew, if only instinctively, that something was wrong and that, the political and military elites, were in a fake operation driven by the delusions of Cold War and Gulf War 'victories' and the defeat of organised working-class resistance in the West.

It is not possible to blame the Americans for a withdrawal that comes 20 years too late. Either, Afghanistan became another State of the USA or, as it could not be otherwise today, America had to run at the first opportunity, as further occupation was, neither politically, nor economically or militarily, sustainable. President Trump did take the right decision and President Biden had, inevitably, to follow, as he has done on other policies, the previous administration.

Strategically, the decision to withdraw is correct, as it extricates America from a 'long term trap' set up by the regional powers. The question is if, this badly, donkey led, West, can survive the fallout.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Islam and the Western Elites

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Many people, instinctively, blame Islam for this mess. People should understand that religious resistance has been, throughout history, the only way to advance political demands and justice, especially in backward and colonial countries.

For the West that was changed with the creation, not that long ago, of the Socialist Movement. In other areas of the world (as in the West), however, religion and tradition were used to fight Socialism and evade Socialist Revolutions. Afghanistan is a clear case in which Western elites, bent on stopping Socialism, raised and groomed traditional religious movements to fill the vacuum, as religion, in general, does not endangers 'private' property.

What happened in Afghanistan has happened too in other countries. In Islamic countries, in India in Indonesia and other places, Socialism had a very strong following and was only destroyed, with the help of the Western elites, through the use of religious influence. Socialism was, indeed, destroyed, but the causes of Socialism were not and could not be destroyed. All that has turned on the West now.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Du not Espik Inglis

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Even the British would deny now that they speak English now, just to evade their connivance with the USA and their responsibility in this defeat. The negotiations with the Taliban were known, publicly, a year or two ago if not more. That means that the British Military and Political Class, as well as that of the NATO countries, must have known much earlier. It is, simply, not credible that they did not agree with what was going on. If only because it would have been easy, at least once the negotiations were in the public domain, to denounce the deal and form an opposition.

All this smacks of a brutal whitewashing operation to blame the Americans and evade responsibility when, in reality, all NATO is guilty of a monumental error of judgement ans lack of strategic vision that has, basically, destroyed the geopolitical standing of the West.

Today, the same failed elites that created defeat, have organised a theatre in the airport to hide their defeat, putting at risk the lives of many people, mainly young men that, do not flee the Taliban, but want to migrate to, using the expression of TB, the 'imbecilic' West.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Tuesday 24 August 2021


Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

As with the multiple fake variants of Covid-1984, President Sleepy Joe was talking about new ISIS variants, like the ISIS-K, presumably K for Kabul. 

The defeated imperialists are well known for trying to leave their battlefields with a sting. Britain left India stirring up many troubles. The British and American people should not allow a repeat of the ugly colonial behaviour of the past. The honour of the Western Military forces is also at stake. If defeat is sour, it should not be turned into another war crime. 

The Taliban, after more than 20 years of warfare, has won fairly and squarely. It seems the time has come to end the massacres and let them do in their own country. In defeat, withdrawal with honour, is also important.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Yes You Can

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

We cannot wait... for all those millions to arrive in the West. Another batch of millions, might even sink the EU for good. The Austrians already refuse to accept more. The Germans are hiding but, it is obvious that many Afghans want to go there. France has elections and the 'fake' President is running up and down trying to calm the population. Spain, as usual, is accepting everything, as its corrupt regime is based on mass immigration of any kind and it cannot stop or it will collapse. As for Britain, all the bravado is just posturing to open the borders and sink Brexit one way or another. All very interesting. All very exciting. We are going to see if the Western populations will swallow this new immigrationist scam. The chances are, given the rout of the working-class parties, that they will swallow lock, stock and barrel... Is it the end of the West...???!!! Don't miss the next episode...

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Hotel Eurofornia

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Like in the famed 'Hotel California', Brexit or not Brexit, you can never leave. The defeat in Afghanistan has unleashed another immigrationist assault on the West and, especially, on Brexit Britain.

The EU was hijacked and transformed from a 'socialist dream', to convince and fool the majority, into an immigrationist nightmare of cheap labour, unfair competition and brutal religious, ethnic, racial and cultural divisions among workers.

Today, Brexit Britain is being led, under the alibi of a humanitarian emergency of the elite's making, back to the Hotel Eurofornia that she voted to leave. If the laws and treaties have been formally rejected, nobody should be fooled, the EU was about mass uncontrolled immigration and cheap labour to avoid the 'capitalist stationary state'... Britain is being kept in the EU by renewed immigrationist assaults by air, land and sea. This is EU immigrationism by other means. Hotel Eurofornia, 'Such a lovely place... you can check-out anytime you like. But you can never leave'...

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Monday 23 August 2021

Defeat of Mrs Woke in Afghanistan

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

After 20 long and bloody years, the Taliban Antiwoke Puritans take back their country as the Wokish corrupt misgovernment imposed by the Woke West disintegrates. 

The Mother of All Bombs has been deactivated by the Father of All Rifles. Kabul has fallen like a cake walk in Toyotas. If the cards are well played, Afghanistan could benefit from a China driven development programme.

The West, however, is in more danger than ever, as it is very likely that, the defeated elites, will turn on the home populations and accelerate their woke drive, with more immigrationism from a growing refugee pool, more pandemics and any other tricks. We should brace ourselves for renewed woke policies. They are going to crush us.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Blame and Prejudice

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to

Once again, the elites that created this defeat in Afghanistan, are trying to evade responsibility and turn their defeat into a kind of victory, paid for by the tame captive masses of their own countries. It is blatantly obvious that we are facing another operation of privatisation of gains and socialisation of losses.

Those guilty for the disastrous humiliation and strategic destruction of the West, not only refuse to take any blame or responsibility for their ineptitude, political, military or otherwise, but, on the contrary, they are immersed in a propaganda operation for evading all blame and discharging their guilt into the population at large. A population that, with their powerful media and censorship, they accuse of, somehow, be 'treacherously' reluctant to bring the millions of immigrants caused by their bombings and illegal wars.

They are guilty as sin, but we have to pay for the damages they caused. They are the ones that benefited from the operations of their private and 'public' armies, their supply and contractor businesses, but we are the ones that have to shoulder the burden of their plunder and 'private' property. They blame and cash in. We take the 'prejudice'. Déjà vu...!!!

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Social Plunder

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

The most likely reason for the 'pandemic' emergencies, especially in Britain, could be another covert plunder of NHS and public resources in general. Like with the rescue of the banks in the last crisis, it is likely that we are in another, this time engineered, crisis that has created the occasion to introduce the required measures to deviate public funds to private coffers.

By drastically reducing health and public services, the governments of the elites probably managed to reduce costs dramatically and deviate them to silence the public with furlough schemes and other measures. The allocation of funds for vaxes, masks, gels and other 'medical' measures, were the perfect and uncontested alibi to massively increase profits and appropriate public funds by private shareholders, especially in those big companies linked to the political elite (all).

The likely results will be the reduction of services and costs, also through the sinister, but effective, effect of shortening some patients lives because of deferred and reduced treatments, the increase of taxes to pay for the emergency (already proposed) and the continuous private 'access' to public funds through recurrent pandemics and emergencies, foreign 'aid', etc...

Health and health scares have proven a big business opportunity, an irresistible force that combines a kind of moral compulsion, fear of the 'medical' and technically unknown and social, peer, pressure to abide and guarantee private profits and social pain.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!