Tuesday 24 August 2021

Hotel Eurofornia

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Like in the famed 'Hotel California', Brexit or not Brexit, you can never leave. The defeat in Afghanistan has unleashed another immigrationist assault on the West and, especially, on Brexit Britain.

The EU was hijacked and transformed from a 'socialist dream', to convince and fool the majority, into an immigrationist nightmare of cheap labour, unfair competition and brutal religious, ethnic, racial and cultural divisions among workers.

Today, Brexit Britain is being led, under the alibi of a humanitarian emergency of the elite's making, back to the Hotel Eurofornia that she voted to leave. If the laws and treaties have been formally rejected, nobody should be fooled, the EU was about mass uncontrolled immigration and cheap labour to avoid the 'capitalist stationary state'... Britain is being kept in the EU by renewed immigrationist assaults by air, land and sea. This is EU immigrationism by other means. Hotel Eurofornia, 'Such a lovely place... you can check-out anytime you like. But you can never leave'...

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!
