Thursday 26 August 2021

Du not Espik Inglis

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Even the British would deny now that they speak English now, just to evade their connivance with the USA and their responsibility in this defeat. The negotiations with the Taliban were known, publicly, a year or two ago if not more. That means that the British Military and Political Class, as well as that of the NATO countries, must have known much earlier. It is, simply, not credible that they did not agree with what was going on. If only because it would have been easy, at least once the negotiations were in the public domain, to denounce the deal and form an opposition.

All this smacks of a brutal whitewashing operation to blame the Americans and evade responsibility when, in reality, all NATO is guilty of a monumental error of judgement ans lack of strategic vision that has, basically, destroyed the geopolitical standing of the West.

Today, the same failed elites that created defeat, have organised a theatre in the airport to hide their defeat, putting at risk the lives of many people, mainly young men that, do not flee the Taliban, but want to migrate to, using the expression of TB, the 'imbecilic' West.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!