Thursday 26 August 2021

Islam and the Western Elites

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Many people, instinctively, blame Islam for this mess. People should understand that religious resistance has been, throughout history, the only way to advance political demands and justice, especially in backward and colonial countries.

For the West that was changed with the creation, not that long ago, of the Socialist Movement. In other areas of the world (as in the West), however, religion and tradition were used to fight Socialism and evade Socialist Revolutions. Afghanistan is a clear case in which Western elites, bent on stopping Socialism, raised and groomed traditional religious movements to fill the vacuum, as religion, in general, does not endangers 'private' property.

What happened in Afghanistan has happened too in other countries. In Islamic countries, in India in Indonesia and other places, Socialism had a very strong following and was only destroyed, with the help of the Western elites, through the use of religious influence. Socialism was, indeed, destroyed, but the causes of Socialism were not and could not be destroyed. All that has turned on the West now.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!