Friday 10 August 2018

Death to the Left

 Красная Aрмия
1918 - 2018
Red Army

Death to the Left

Communism is not Leftism. Driven by the fire of Hegelian Critique and fuelled by Feuerbachian Materialism, Scientific Socialism jilted, since its inception, the narrow tracks of bourgeois political categories and rejected the restrains of official ideology. Left and right, the principles of the bourgeois order of exploitation and political partition, were shattered by the new outlook of a Proletarian Science that had the task of overcoming the division demanded by Capital and enforcing union under Labour.

The history of the Working Class Movement, is the history of how to overcome and defeat a Left that is nothing but the mirror image of the Right and, as such, the projection of the dominant assumptions of bourgeois oppression. Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right... is the marching order of exploitation that disciplines the mob of captive workers that have not reached the cohesion of a Class.

History is the constant and systematic struggle of Labour to dislodge a recurrent and reactionary Left and effect the revolutionary synthesis of theory and practice. Marx's contests with the Anarchists in the I International, the infiltration and betrayal of the II International, the wavering coalition attempts by the III International and the nefarious endeavours to raise the Peace Movement by the USSR, demonstrate that only the destruction of the Left will allow the rehabilitation and union of Labour.

In search of an easy numerical majority that could intimidate the exploiters and entice more workers and fellow travellers to join its ranks, the Working Class Movement committed many a blunder and, above all, allowed the creeping Left to join its organisations and infiltrate its praxis. The result was a mollification of the Worker's Party, the perversion of its proletarian axioms and its eventual segmentation into minoritymongering factions. A terrorist dictatorship of Pacifists, Feminists, Ethnicists, Lesbianists and many other minorities, was imposed by a roster of police spies and snitches, leftified workers, fatuous bureaucrats or asinine professional politicians, bent on the dissolution or sequestration of the Proletarian Army.

The soviet leadership's strategy of defence and 'peaceful coexistence' at all costs, groomed a pacifist movement in the West that effectively accelerated the downfall of the USSR, as Communist Parties weakened their class war stance and made themselves permeable to a leftist demoralisation that grinded the teeth of proletarian organisations, leaving the Soviet Union defenceless and isolated, unable to call the offensive power of a 'Communist International' that fell into oblivion and disintegrated even before the USSR.

Headless, disorganised and battered by decades of defeat, unfair competition and migration, strangled by a leftist embrace that colludes in their destruction and enslavement, the workers of today have risen again, in Britain, the First Proletarian Nation and America, the most powerful one, to fight and conjure the conscience of a international revolutionary class and put a spell on the spectre of Marx to haunt the world again.

Death to the Left...!!!

Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!

Zu den Waffen selbst...!!!
¡Reciprocidad! ¡Repatriación! ¡Revolución!
¡Caciques al GULAG!
Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!

Monday 6 August 2018

¡¡¡'Refuchis' Welcome!!!

 Красная Aрмия
1918 - 2018
Red Army

Zero Cost Labour


¡¡¡Colapso Immigracional!!!

Muchos decían que la inmigración era beneficiosa para los trabajadores españoles, pues bien, AHORA SI. Ahora sí va a ser beneficiosa, pues provocará la emergencia de la clase obrera tras décadas de derrota y sumisión o, si eso no ocurre, la merecida desaparición de este cortijo, que no país. 

Muchos creen que la derecha caciquil y sus nuevos partidos ultras, formados por antiguos cuadros del PP y Cimarranos, podrán salvar una España inmigracionista que ellos mismos han creado, pero eso solo alargará la agonía pues la inmigración no es más que la expresión perfecta del ultra-liberalismo que los ultras aceptan y defienden. 

España solo puede ser salvada por un verdadero partido obrero que pida responsabilidades por esta última y típica traición de los caciques.

¿Querían inmigración?

¡¡¡Que la tengan!!!

¡¡¡Ahora sí!!! 

¡¡¡'Refuchis' Welcome!!!

Zu den Waffen selbst...!!!
¡Reciprocidad! ¡Repatriación! ¡Revolución!
¡Caciques al GULAG!
Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!