Friday 17 November 2017


1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions

German Oriental Despotism...!!!

In Absentia Lucis Tenebrae Vincunt

Eurasian Empire in the Making

Russian Oligarchy conquers Germany...!!!

Eurasian Alliance gets German SPD-Traitor as 'Gauleiter'...!!!

SPD-CDU-Greens in Eurasian Empire drive...!!!

Russo-German alliance to control Mackinder's Heartland...!!!

Germany to stop Working Class Awakening with new Drang nach Osten...!!!

Immigrationist 'German' Oligarchy consolidates Asiatic Mode of Production with new Oriental alliances, transfer of public technology, more migration and a climate change scam invented to extend, escalate and boost Unfair Competition against the Western and International Proletariat...!!!

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Global Warning

1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions

Class War Pollution

South Asia choked by globalised War against Workers...!!!

Pollution is a sign of competition, of unfair competition (the pollution in South Asia, the result of globalisation, that is, unfair competition among India, Pakistan, the West and China), that's why it will not bring together anyone. On the contrary, it will exacerbate, or rather, it is the exacerbation of their antagonisms in the economic field and can only lead towards a 'Planetary Gas Chamber' if no resistance is recreated. 

They used to say that, the real number of migrants from Eastern Europe in a region could be measured by the increase in the consumption of vodka. In the same way, pollution is a measurement of unfair competition and aggression against the organised Working Class and the buffers it created against extreme exploitation with secular, bloody and heroic resistance. Today, that resistance and organisation has been all but destroyed and we and those in the Third World suffer the dire consequences... Lukács was right... or you fight for evolution (in the race for the 'survival of the fittest' or rather the 'unfittest') or you fight for revolution, but fight you will...!!!

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Wednesday 15 November 2017

Panta Fake

1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions

Drug War against Workers...!!!

Legalising Crime in a World of Shit...!!!

Once again the law abiding citizens and workers of the world are under the concerted attack of politicians and pundits of an oligarchy that, this time, wants to integrate, legalise and impose the criminal businesses and horrors of drug dealers into the normal life of those who resits this immoral, uneconomical and fetid trade. The corrupt and failed policies of Milton, the same ones that the villainous Military Junta of Chile had to enforce with torture and extermination, are not a good standard to follow. It is obvious that no one will destroy the monopoly of the traffickers (they already start with a massive, unassailable and cruel advantage in their unfair competition) and violence will only be shifted or extended to other parts of the chain. Surrendering to crime is the only solution they want us to adopt because is part and parcel of their exploitation system. Not that long ago, the British 'legalised' or forced the 'legalisation' or semi-legalisation of drugs (opium) in China, they even went to war for it, the results were the destruction of the Chinese people in horrid dens of iniquity. Today, it is not difficult to guess, that if drugs are in the streets is because, somehow, they have been allowed by the 'powers to be', that is, they are 'semi-legal', as they are ready made instruments of social control and depoliticisation of working class neighbourhoods and youth (note CIA programmes uncovered during Iran-Contra affair). In spite of the bad press then, it is no wonder why President Duterte in the Philippines has adopted a 'successful' strategy... surrender and rehabilitate or your criminal activities will be at an end for good.

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One Dick State

1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions

The Rape of Africa...!!!

Mugabe and Wife Castrated...!!!

Military Statement...!!!

Killing the 'Great Father'... only solution for civilisation...!!!

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Tuesday 14 November 2017

Objective Burma

1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions

Globalisers and Globalised

Burma Offensive

Once again the public faces another assault by 'atrocitarian' politics and media. The same type used in the Yugoslavian conflicts and many others since. An alleged blameless, guiltless and virginal part used, abused and mistreated by some supposedly tyrannical government or majority, declared guilty out of hand without even considering facts, history or the real politics of the situation, that could and will bring disaster to whole countries and regions. 

Apart from the normal sentiments of pity and sorrow awaken in mankind by the desperation and suffering of the weakest, the defence of equality, liberty and the Commonwealth cannot be based on the unconditional surrender of the majority of the population to the whims and dictates of a minority that do not want to be integrated, refuses to be part of the country or plots a secession against it. 

In Burma the migration problems brought by a colonial oligarchy to work the plantation fields of the past have exploded with fury after a couple of generations. Marx used to say that the most advanced nations are the mirror on which the less developed countries will look to see their future, but we are here in a dialectical inversion of history and it is the less developed nations that show the future to the most advanced, as we have been treated like colonial peoples by our own oligarchies... indeed...!!!

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1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions

La Edad de Piedra Bolivariana

The Rape of Venezuela...!!!

¡¡¡La canalla bolivariana en alianza con los caciques españoles!!!

¡¡¡Los jefes de Podemos se hunden en la ciénaga paleozolana!!!

¡¡¡Locos bolivarianos al frente del manicomio!!!

Infantilismo izquierdista sangriento

Producción... enemigo público número uno...!!!

¡¡¡Trapicheos, narcofinanzas y propaganda izquierdista sustituyen a la economía productiva... con consecuencias desastrosas!!!

El izquierdismo devuelve a Venezuela a la Edad de Piedra

¡¡¡Tras casi dos décadas en el poder, los jefes de Podemos crean un paraíso 'socialista' sin producción, tecnología, energía o trabajo!!!

¡¡¡Venezuela, uno de los mayores productores de petróleo, sin energía...!!!

¡¡¡La monarquía narcochavista, demasiado ocupada escondiendo dinero en paraísos fiscales y dando becas a E®®ejón, al borde del abismo...!!!

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¡¡¡Arderéis como en el 36!!!

1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions

¡¡¡España Mátalos!!!

¡¡¡La caciquía en plena rebelión contra España!!!

¡¡¡Caciques analfabetos en el poder hunden España!!!

¡¡¡España traicionada de nuevo por su casta podrida de políticos y caciques!!!

Spanish Workers betrayed again by a putrid and terrorist oligarchy of cretins that try to recreate Feudalism...!!!

¡¡¡Contra la Secesión Racista!!!

¡¡¡Contra los Políticos Traidores!!!

¡¡¡Contra la traición de los caciques!!!


¡¡¡Moriréis de uno en uno como en el 31!!!

¡¡¡Arriba España!!!

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Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!