Monday 14 June 2021

Red Silk

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Communism continues to set the agenda. 'Communist' China, bent on imperial expansion and conquest, is making the Western oligarchy to dance to its developing tune. After all those years and decades that looked like total red defeat, the most brutal ultraliberals have to adopt, as usual, Communist policies to prevent a rut and a global takeover by a China they thought their creation. Africa, South America, Asia and beyond, Red China is the new enemy in a New Cold War. Western traitors have been forced, once again, to mirror socialist policies to attack socialism, forced to create a New Red Silk Road to attack the Red Silk Road, all for the 'benefit' of mankind. Communism shows the way.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Vichy France is Back

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Thrown out of Africa by the guerrillas, forced to fake the death of a President in Chad to enthrone his son, threatened by the Russians and the Chinese, Macron is coming back to Europe in anger, ready to sort out that secular rivalry with the UK and take revenge on the brutal humiliations since WWII. The 'French' are ready and amassing their immigrationist Armada on the shores of the Channel and the wild and 'treacherous', above all 'treacherous', coast of Ireland. Will the Fifth Column of 'British' immigrationists manage to create a new internal front with the help of the new American immigrationist administration, the same that, in spite of all rhetoric, tries to turn back the immigrant invasion from Central America...???!!! This is getting quite interesting.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Racism, Endophobia, Xenophobia

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Immigrationism IS xenophobia, endophobia and racism, all in one. Immigrationism hates the native workers and populations (endophobia), that is why it wants to substitute them by new foreign populations. It also hates those foreign populations (xenophobia), as it wants to use them as cannon fodder for cheap labour and to divide all populations by race (racism), ethnic and religious lines, so that that cheap labour can be fomented and protected. The whole thing is quite wicked and brutal. Business is business.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!


Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

It is not strange that anti-Brexiteers or immigrationists or globalists or ultraliberals, different names for the same confused people, are frustrated. After throwing all they had to the most humble portion of the citizenry and working-classes, after all their lies, their threats, their manipulation, their brutal censorship, their brainwashing for decades, etc, etc, etc... they could not convince a majority of the population that immigrationism, more immigrationism at that, was the way forward.

Today, even though this resentful and xenophobic people (as the some comment here show), know that a majority of the elites, their masters, are still in control, in government and in the civil service, in academia and he main institutions, even though their immigrationist foreign 'friends' in the EU and America are trying to help them, they just cannot do much, as the British Parliament, the supreme and most important institution in the country, is in the FIRM hands of a Brexiteer MAJORITY, with a clear mandate for Brexit. Indeed, that MAJORITY, which is growing all the time, is so big and crushing, that it will be many, MANY, years, before anyone can challenge that supreme democratic power. It cannot be nice...!!!

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Sunday 13 June 2021

You Fetch

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

The alibi of the immigrationists is that there is money and resources for all their immigrants. That, with another little moral effort and less selfish thinking, all will be fine and the available resources will stretch to all the millions that they want to import. 

These generous immigrationist, lavishly paid by the working class for doing nothing in NGO's, fake political organisations or the immigrationist institutions, accuse the working class of being mean, greedy and right wing because it wants to defend itself against the brutal abuse of the globalists and their cheap labour and unfair competition. They say to us that, with a little more effort, more exploitation, we can accommodate millions more of their cheap workers, with no limit or control, indeed, without borders. They do tell us, as if we had the same intellectual deficiencies as them, that the 'rich' have the money and that they will be enough and more for all. 

However, these later day false prophets and 'money changers', these charity-mogers and fabulists, refuse to tell us how are they going to get their hands on that proverbial money of the 'rich', how are they going to make the 'rich' pay for all their lies, how are they going to materialise all that fabulous wealth they talk about. We proletarians say that until these fabricators and 'fabricants' do tell us, nobody, not even the 'rich', should pay a single dime. We proletarians say to them... You go and fetch...

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

How to Destroy Laws

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

There are many ways of destroying laws. Some destroy them by omission or neglect. Others by direct attack and substitution or modification. Others by ignoring their application and defence, etc, etc... One of the most common ways of destroying laws, in these dark times for democracy and freedom, is by undermining their spirit and pretending to abide by their letter. Indeed, this last method, has been the most widely utilised to open the borders and allow mass immigrationist policies. 

Laws have been saturated with claims from what has only the appearance of legality, but that are bogus claims. For instance, political asylum and refugee laws, have been undermined by an impossible numbers and converted into backdoors for economic immigration. In the same way, the laws of the sea, that were created to salvage and protect workers and travellers at sea, have been falsified by peoples that jump into the sea to be rescued and transported to Western countries for immigration purposes. 

Many other laws have been perverted in similar ways, to deprive them of the all important spirit that gave them birth. This behaviour, cannot but create many dangerous situations and, eventually, will signify the destruction of law.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Darth 'Evader'

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In answer to...


Even supposing that Mr Corbyn was right, something highly unlikely, his dismal leadership of Labour has shown how not to do things. Mr Corbyn and his associates have shown themselves jittery and caitiff when dealing with the real issues of the day. Immigration, Brexit and other proper socialists issues, have been evaded, dodged and eluded, meanwhile the grandees of the party concentrated on third rate or inexistent problems, like feminism, lgtbism, race or other local and inconsequential issues. Their Brexit strategy, that is, the lack of any strategy and commitment, the fencing seating towards the public, and the anti-Brexit stance of Labour MP's, has been seen as what it is, pure duplicity and lack of political guts. Pusillanimity is the trade mark of a party that has no socialist soul anymore. A party quick on taking the knee for race politics, but slow on taking the fight to the real enemy. In spite of the resemblance, there is no Obi-Wan Kenobi here, but a Darth 'Evader'.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Immigrationism, the Mother of All Things

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In answer to...


Mr Corbyn and his associates, are still incapable of understanding the situation. That is not surprising, as he belongs to that 'humanitarian' or 'atrocitarian' (believers in the 'atrocities' committed by other unethical and immoral people), version of 'fabianism' and Christian 'socialism'. The 'good' intentions of this people, that most of the time create havoc, are not, and cannot be deterred, by a sober consideration of the facts and the economic realities. They are full of pity and heart rending empathy, meanwhile they build the road to Hell. How on Earth can anyone think that by abolishing the borders and importing millions upon millions of cheap labour recruits, the situation of the working-class or more vulnerable parts of society, here or abroad, is going to improve, is beyond belief.

The British working-class (but also the American and others), deprived of real representation and insulted, censored, cajoled and threatened to accept the unacceptable destruction of the, already biased, labour markets on which they depend for survival, voted Brexit to escape the ultra-liberal trap of a betrayed and highjacked EU. To think that the 'fear', racism and immorality of workers and 'uneducated' peoples, is driving the opposition to an, illegal and unconstitutional, immigrationist agenda that only benefits landlords and incompetent employers, and is paid by local workers, is not understand anything of what has happened in the world since the collapse of the USSR. Only that, will disqualify anyone from being a conscious member of a worker's party, let alone lead it. 

Duplicity and incapacity to deal with the real problem of our times, immigrationism, that is, unfair competition and cheap labour, has killed Labour, because the tories where happy to let New Labour to open the doors and take the full (and fool), responsibility for it. The lesson has not been learned, because you are all to busy trying to 'learn the wrong lesson'.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Champagne 'Socialism' and Lager Lout 'Socialism'

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Those who ruined the Labour Party are unrepentant and try to disguise themselves as 'honourable' members of a working-class in complete disarray. In this ridiculous saga of incompetence, fatuity and tomfoolery, a two 'leftfooted' left, that is nothing but a blairite, minority-mongering and backstabbing council and trade union lumpenbourgeoisie of 'nouveaux riches' and parvenues, has discovered an easy target on which to discharge its own guilt and cowardice in this funeral of a late party. We witness a new battle of the bands that pitches the London Bourgeoisie against the Manchester Lumpenbourgeoisie of a mythical North. 

Thus, the London bourgeoisie, that foggy and handy concept of the vicious ineptitude and truculent envy of the most backward regions of 'Genetic' Labour, has been officially declared the 'new' scapegoat, in order to protect the rustic wing of thick retainers of New Labour. 

This 'New New' Labour Party, is transforming itself into another 'nationalist' and regionalist party, that uses the same gross rationale and slogans of the feudal nationalists of the fringe. The perpetual party bureaucrats, seduced by a facile Londonphobia to save their well remunerated positions and 'new' found wealth or those who have appropriated the political positions of the party for generations, are the true enemies of Labour. Between champagne 'socialism' and lager lout 'socialism', there is, and always will be, Socialism, Proletarian Socialism.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!