Sunday 13 June 2021

You Fetch

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

The alibi of the immigrationists is that there is money and resources for all their immigrants. That, with another little moral effort and less selfish thinking, all will be fine and the available resources will stretch to all the millions that they want to import. 

These generous immigrationist, lavishly paid by the working class for doing nothing in NGO's, fake political organisations or the immigrationist institutions, accuse the working class of being mean, greedy and right wing because it wants to defend itself against the brutal abuse of the globalists and their cheap labour and unfair competition. They say to us that, with a little more effort, more exploitation, we can accommodate millions more of their cheap workers, with no limit or control, indeed, without borders. They do tell us, as if we had the same intellectual deficiencies as them, that the 'rich' have the money and that they will be enough and more for all. 

However, these later day false prophets and 'money changers', these charity-mogers and fabulists, refuse to tell us how are they going to get their hands on that proverbial money of the 'rich', how are they going to make the 'rich' pay for all their lies, how are they going to materialise all that fabulous wealth they talk about. We proletarians say that until these fabricators and 'fabricants' do tell us, nobody, not even the 'rich', should pay a single dime. We proletarians say to them... You go and fetch...

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!