Saturday 13 November 2021

Occupational 'Science' Against Science

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

We congratulate OG and the author of this article, as these are important and relevant matters that go to the core of today's tyrannical situation indeed. However, it should not be forgotten that 'science' has always suffered the same kind of problem. Political and class manipulation, are the staple diet of scientific research and activity, as Marx and Engels classically showed in their 'Critiques of Political Economy', the basis and, perhaps, the most important part of Scientific Socialism.

It would be highly mistaken and naïve to think that 'science' is a pristine and virginal activity, bereft of political or economic manipulation or interests. Brutal specialisation, that has kept most of the population ignorant of reason but the beneficiary of spectacular technological successes, has allowed the maintenance of a myth for long periods. Today's ferocious, callous and, in many cases, voluntary enslavement of even some of the finest specialists, however, has revealed the true nature of the situation.

Class domination has allowed the creation of an occupational scientist, a specialist slave or clerk that, full of arrogance and conceit, does the bidding of its masters without any shade of remorse or critical thinking, prostituting in the process, like those Mengeles of yesteryear, what was supposed to be the real purpose of science.

The situation is, evidently, absurd, as the logical outcome of this fake science cannot be, as it is, the tyranny of those who control the structures, organisations, salaries, perks, hierarchies and posts of the numerous 'scientific' institutions that whore their way around the world.

Fortunately and in the last resort, these slavish arrangements can be made to appear absurd as, if those who know know best and can command through 'recommendations', it is obvious that 'someone', the Nobel Prize by common acknowledgement, will know more and best of all and, therefore, should be the one and only that commands all and should be crowned the 'King' or 'Emperor' of the world...

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!