Friday 3 December 2021

The Silence of the 'Lambs'

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

If you ever wonder why doctors and GP's keep quiet about the 'pandemic', remember that they are being paid per jab. In Britain, for example, they receive £15 per vaccination plus overtime, in a period when their workload has been drastically reduced and do not perform the normal tasks they use to do. Doctors have passed from an overload of work to a 'leisurely pace'.

Of course, it does not end there. Most of the working populations have been bribed, with furlough schemes that pay 80% or more of salaries, reduce workloads and eliminate transport times. If it is understandable that many workers look for some solace and the evasion of the dreary and demoralising commuting, it is evident that they are selling their souls and bodies to obtain work conditions that they should have obtained by struggle and political militancy.

The silence of the trade unions, left-wing parties and most of the population, has been bought through fear, ignorance and generalised bribes. The head is rotten, but the body politic even more.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!


Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Scientific and technological 'knowledge' are problematic. Some of the most problematic things in the world and has been studied by many people. Those who think that science is virginal and pure, that scientific research and methods are not influenced or directed by political or economic agendas, show an extremely poor and naïve conception of science and, as Covid-1984 shows, advocate the destruction of science itself, as they reject any examination of premises, prejudices and deep reasons behind all intellectual activity. 'Expert' knowledge is one of the most common ways to enslave and fool people, as it tries to intimidate those who do not belong to the cabala of 'untouchable' science.

On the other hand, it is easy to see the absurd and impossible situation that a dogmatic and religious belief in 'expert' knowledge can create. For instance, who is the expert...??? Who decides on expertise...? If the expert is the one who really knows, then the Nobel Prize surely must know and, therefore, he should be the one that rules and the rest of the experts can be dismissed as not relevant. Technocracy, the rule by 'experts', can only lead, logically, to absolute Monarchy and the will and dictates of one person, the 'Expert'. That is, the absolute denial of science.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

The Fight for the Party

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Many people ask why the leftists or the blairites do not separate and form their own party or parties. The reason should be obvious. Creating a party from scratch is, almost, an impossible struggle. Money, media, structures, organisation, parliamentary seats, etc, etc... are the real assets of the party and to lose them is, almost, a mortal blow. Especially in a 'democratic' country that has relied for generations on a established bipartisan political struggle.

The fight for the control of the party is, thus, an extremely important one. That is why the oligarchies have spent so many efforts, money and propaganda to, little by little, mollify and emasculate the working class party. After decades of infiltration and struggle, the oligarchy is not going to give up its total victory.

The most likely outcome will be the one tried, tested and trusted, with total success, in other countries. That is, the Labour Party will not be 'destroyed', but controlled from the inside. It is important not to destroy the Party, as that could trigger the creation of another and harder one. The important thing is to keep it as a 'living' dead. A corpse that will prevent the creation of a political vacuum that could be filled by something worse for the oligarchy.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

New Labour Lost the Elections

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Blairites have a very short memory, but we are here to remind them. Before any Corbynites appeared on the scene, the elections were LOST by Gordon Brown, the ULTRA-BLAIRITE, friend of TB, the Butcher of Baghdad, the one that provoked regime 'change' in London. Although we are not leftists, as the left is only another, extreme, version of blairism (feminism, lgtbism, immigrationism, etc... are New Labour policies), it has to be said that the so called left, was already doomed, as New Labour had already lost.

Indeed, it is highly likely that the hand over of control of the party to the left, was a clever plot to, precisely, blame the left for all disasters. That strategy is, also, very common in politics and, normally, it is done at very large scales. For example, the German oligarchy 'gave' power to the left after WWI, in that way they could blame the left of the disintegration of the nation and use the leftists as escape goats. Deja vu...!!!

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

The Gift

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

There is no doubt that Covid-1984 must be one of the biggest businesses in the universe. Pharmaceutical shares must be through the roof. Since mutations and variants are an infinite source of imagined illnesses, the profits must be, accordingly, long lasting and infinite. The exploiters have found the perfect mix of Public-Private 'Partnership', with total control, the willing collaboration of most of a trembling population, no possibility of disruption, as repression can be used at any time and an inexhaustible source of public funding that can be increase at will through new taxes. What a perfect gift that keeps on giving. Credit where is due... this evil exploiters should be congratulated for their nerve and ruthlessness, if not for their inventiveness and creativity. Chapeau...!!!

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Sputnik is the Proof

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Sputnik, a vax tacitly approved by the WHO, the same organisation that give you the advice that you take eagerly, was THE FIRST vaccine devised against Covid-1984. That means that you, covidian believers, could have saved a lot of money and effort and, above all, you could have saved a lot of lives, you generous and disinterested people, if you adopted it. Of course, you wanted MONEY, you wanted your own vax to cash in... because you are all so generous that you could not let this opportunity pass to show your generosity. A generosity also shown by your greedy hoarding of vaxxes and your, no less greedy, use of them (you are already in your THIRD booster and looking for more). Sputnik is proof that you believe in 'conspiracy theories', although only against the Russians and 'Reds', and that your Covid-1984 is a business... a greedy and nasty business.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Jabs for Cash

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Covidian's science is clear... chemotherapy for those with no cancer, aspirins for those with no headaches, botox for African lips...We might as well amputate soldier's legs before they step on a mine...!!! Another case of the ultra-liberal type of 'thinking' that led to pre-emptive strikes in Afghanistan and Iraq, by those military and political 'Blairite' experts, that brought inevitable defeat.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Covidian Panic

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

The covidians always want more and more, more vaxxes, more boosters, more measures, more lockdowns. They are a population in panic that see ghosts and 'conspiracy' on all sides. They classify the rest of us, the 'deniers' of their panic, as egotistic fanatics that spread a virus of which, as their 'scientists', they know nothing and do not know how to tackle, even with all the freedom and latitude given by the absolute control of their politicians and 'scientists'.

Covidians see Chinese, Russian and Red scares and conspiracies. They do not trust the FIRST vaccine, the Sputnik vaccine, allegedly created against their ills, because is Russian or see in the WHO, that they follow fanatically, as a KGB agency of the Chinese... which is, of course, another way of saying, 'Communist'...

Covidians even see political motives behind the acts of their governments, but, somehow, they do not allow their 'evil' rivals, to see political and economic motivations for their fake 'pandemic'. These, 'generous' covidians, want everything. Their lockdowns, vaxxes and boosters, but also their political conspiracies, their anti-Russian, anti-Chinese and anti-Communist tales, but they deny the rest a single doubt about their beloved Covid-1984...!!!

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Barba Non Facit Philosophum

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to 'Slavish' Zizek... 'Beard' of the Expoliters.

With this shameful article Mr 'Slavish' Zizek reveals his status as, another, leftist official bureaucrat of the exploiters' putrid academia, a swamp of yes men and conformity, the advanced guard of reaction, submission and collaboration with this Neo-Feudalism or Feudo-Capitalism (expressions not invented by the, bourgeois, likes of Varufakis, but used, many years and decades ago, by many of us, in the humble internet).

This collaborators with academic credentials and multiple posts, employments and interests in the global slave system of fake 'knowledge', have a especial kind of grievous responsibility when they exhibit their 'hallowed', but false, titles of 'philosophers and scientists' to impress the gallery and intimidate the workers and simple populations of the world, spreading the fear and rumours of colluding exploiters to force entire countries to submit to what is, in all but name, a new bout of PLUNDER of health systems and public property through unjustified 'medical' emergencies.

True philosophers used to have the DUTY of doubt, reasoned examination and brutal critique, not of meek and cowardly submission to the directives of third rate political elites and fourth rate 'scientific' communities with massive financial interests in the fake 'pandemic'. Mr Zizek exhibits all the characteristics of a man that has given up critique and still pretends to be a philosopher. In short, as Herodes Atticus said... 'I see the beard not the philosopher'...

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!