Friday 3 December 2021

Covidian Panic

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

The covidians always want more and more, more vaxxes, more boosters, more measures, more lockdowns. They are a population in panic that see ghosts and 'conspiracy' on all sides. They classify the rest of us, the 'deniers' of their panic, as egotistic fanatics that spread a virus of which, as their 'scientists', they know nothing and do not know how to tackle, even with all the freedom and latitude given by the absolute control of their politicians and 'scientists'.

Covidians see Chinese, Russian and Red scares and conspiracies. They do not trust the FIRST vaccine, the Sputnik vaccine, allegedly created against their ills, because is Russian or see in the WHO, that they follow fanatically, as a KGB agency of the Chinese... which is, of course, another way of saying, 'Communist'...

Covidians even see political motives behind the acts of their governments, but, somehow, they do not allow their 'evil' rivals, to see political and economic motivations for their fake 'pandemic'. These, 'generous' covidians, want everything. Their lockdowns, vaxxes and boosters, but also their political conspiracies, their anti-Russian, anti-Chinese and anti-Communist tales, but they deny the rest a single doubt about their beloved Covid-1984...!!!

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!