Friday 3 December 2021

New Labour Lost the Elections

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

Blairites have a very short memory, but we are here to remind them. Before any Corbynites appeared on the scene, the elections were LOST by Gordon Brown, the ULTRA-BLAIRITE, friend of TB, the Butcher of Baghdad, the one that provoked regime 'change' in London. Although we are not leftists, as the left is only another, extreme, version of blairism (feminism, lgtbism, immigrationism, etc... are New Labour policies), it has to be said that the so called left, was already doomed, as New Labour had already lost.

Indeed, it is highly likely that the hand over of control of the party to the left, was a clever plot to, precisely, blame the left for all disasters. That strategy is, also, very common in politics and, normally, it is done at very large scales. For example, the German oligarchy 'gave' power to the left after WWI, in that way they could blame the left of the disintegration of the nation and use the leftists as escape goats. Deja vu...!!!

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!