Friday 3 December 2021

The Silence of the 'Lambs'

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

If you ever wonder why doctors and GP's keep quiet about the 'pandemic', remember that they are being paid per jab. In Britain, for example, they receive £15 per vaccination plus overtime, in a period when their workload has been drastically reduced and do not perform the normal tasks they use to do. Doctors have passed from an overload of work to a 'leisurely pace'.

Of course, it does not end there. Most of the working populations have been bribed, with furlough schemes that pay 80% or more of salaries, reduce workloads and eliminate transport times. If it is understandable that many workers look for some solace and the evasion of the dreary and demoralising commuting, it is evident that they are selling their souls and bodies to obtain work conditions that they should have obtained by struggle and political militancy.

The silence of the trade unions, left-wing parties and most of the population, has been bought through fear, ignorance and generalised bribes. The head is rotten, but the body politic even more.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!