Красная Aрмия
1918 - 2018
Red Army
The American Roots of Immigrationism
Immigrationist Nazis of today... Slave Drivers of Yesterday...!!!

The question of slavery that
'provoked' the American Civil War is the equivalent to
the mass uncontrolled migration and globalisation of today. The issue was
exactly the same, that is, if an oligarchy of extreme exploiters and
plantation owners could extend and expand their slave rule and mode
of production to the new territories being incorporated into the
Union against 'FREE' labour.
The Confederate exploiters wanted an
unrestricted access to sources of slave labour or, what is the same,
almost zero cost labour, like the globalists of today want
unrestricted access to cheap sources of labour from all over the
world. They also imagined and contemplated an Empire to incorporate
the 'racially' inferior States of South America, where they could
create more plantations and extract more slave or indenture labour
(some of the imperialist tendencies of the US in America have to do
with those plans).
President Andrew Johnson was a Democrat
(Democrats, like Clinton and Obama today, were experts in using and
maintaining the racial divide) and a 'Southerner' from North Carolina
and a governor of Tennessee and, though he stayed with the Union and
became President of the US by accident because Lincoln wanted to send
a political message of unity, he did not ditch his old habits and
allowed the status quo ante to continue.
The election of Trump is a
belated reflection of the causes of the American Civil War, the
reaction of 'free' labour against what amounts to the importation of
slave labour. The globalisation and migration of today are a
worldwide version of the causes that provoked the American Civil War.
Zu den Waffen selbst...!!!
¡Reciprocidad! ¡Repatriación! ¡Revolución!
¡Caciques al GULAG!
Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!