Sunday 1 July 2018

Panta Fake

 Красная Aрмия
1918 - 2018
Red Army

Fake Trade Unionism

The Trade Unions of Disunion

By linking trade unionism to the mynoritymongering movement, another version of globalised exploitation, this kind of unionism goes round in circles to end up in the fake unionism that, not only allowed, but actively collaborated and treacherously supported the globalisation of the world against the workers of all nations. It is simply not possible to pretend the improvement of salaries and conditions of work and the union of workers and, at the same time, defend unfair competition, the importation of more and more cheap labour or the division of Labour on sexual, ethnic, religious or other grounds. The challenge for today's trade unionism continues to be the control of savage globalisation and its separation from the bourgeois ideologies that foment and destroy the union of all workers. Even though trade unionism alone will not suffice to accomplish these general tasks, it could set a precedent and model of organisation and a trampoline for the political struggle and organisation that will solve the problems.

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