Sunday 26 December 2021

Dog eats Dog

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

Russia is the victim of its own greed. By abandoning and plundering the USSR that, it has to be remembered, nobody defended or wanted to protect, the Russian people, led by corrupt elites, wanted to join the orgy of capitalist exploitation and plunder around the world. They wanted a part of the booty and share in the action, but they simply fell for the propaganda tricks and fake shiny lights of the 'capitalists running dogs'. They forgot the lessons of Marx and Lenin and thought that by, de facto, selling socialism and the international working class movement, like China did, they could sit a the table of the capitalist powers as one of them.

Today, Russia has learned to its dismay, that she is in the table of the capitalists, but not as a welcomed guess, but as the dinner. The imperialist powers, as usual, are in total competition with each other and will not back down before the prospect of war if they think that they can win. It is obvious that, most imperialist powers see Russia as the weakest link in their food chain and will proceed to share the spoils of a mortally wounded 'imperialist Russia' or, most likely, fight over them.

Russia tried to turn the time back, looking even to revive the the old and fake 'glories' of an Imperial past drenched in blood, serfdom, misery and suffering. Under the pastiche of the 'Eagles' of the past, Russia cannot even threaten with war or nuclear attack, as her threats are not credible and, above all, leave her rivals indifferent. Lenin was right... Russia has nowhere to go except, once again, International Revolution, but workers are not keen followers of oligarchs.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Thursday 23 December 2021

China and the West

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

President Putin is wrong. The relationship of the West with China, as opposed to Russia, is not antagonistic. China is, to a very high degree, a dependency of the West. The PRC has based and, in spite of its commendable efforts, still bases its development on the good will and connivence of the West. Thus, the PRC has been the main beneficiary of a purposeful policy of the Western elites to degrade its own working class through unfair competition and mass uncontrolled immigration. China's development is linked to exports markets in the West, the access to Western financial institutions, migration to the West and a massive Western transfer of technology to China.

That Western dependency of China is still ongoing and cannot and will be used by the West and, even more, by China. The danger for Russia is grave and, relatively, imminent. If the West (meaning the Western elites), decided to 'discipline' China, it could do it with ease and with considerable popular support, as they could stop immigration (very important for China and Chinese partners in the Third World as a mechanism to eliminate unemployment), stop Chinese cheap imports, forbid the transfer of technology and know-how and eliminate the unfair competition on which Chinese production is based. If that were to happen, China will fall, most likely, in another of her historical bouts of revolts and revolutions. The Western elites, of course, would like to avoid that as they flee revolution as the plague.

But 'revolution' is only one leverage at the disposal of the West. The most likely scenario will be a negotiation about Taiwan, that is, the West will offer and China will ask, for concessions in Taiwan, on the lines of Hong Kong, in exchange for Chinese neutrality or even hostility in Russia. Since for China the patriotic unification of its lands is one of the main driving forces of its entire society, it is likely that a deal will be struck, especially if the status quo on commerce and technology is maintained. In such a scenario, Russia would be unable to compete with the West for China. Paradoxically, the West would have to defend Taiwan to keep China 'sweet'.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Wednesday 22 December 2021


Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

The attack on the Maidan 'Revolt or Rebellion', more than revolution, as the situation has not fundamentally changed, cannot be justified on the basis of an, alleged, worsening of the situation or the new difficulties of the regime, as there are many, genuine, factors that could explain that situation and difficulties. For example:

1- The 'Rebellion' in Ukraine must have been genuine and based on true concerns and problems (corruption and reorientation away from the EU), otherwise it would not have triumphed, there wold have been a generalised civil war, most resistance would continue all over Ukraine, etc...

2- The ousting of some corrupt and treacherous presidents, might NOT have solved the situation and problems, amongst other things because corruption goes much deeper into the political class than thought possible. Indeed, the problems of Ukraine go so deep, that a real Revolution would be needed and not just a 'Rebellion'.

3- Corruption and treason are related. Indeed, it could be said that corruption is a form of treason that saps the country little by little and weakens all its structures, ready to be taken over by foreign powers.

4-The solution of deep problems cannot be expected in short time spans, as corruption and treason could have ingrained themselves into the very fabric of society and require long term measures to be solved, etc, etc...

5- Also, all 'democracies' have dictatorial mechanisms to deal with emergencies, as the country could be in danger and urgent action might be needed.

In short, if there were reasons for a Maidan Rebellion and a clear justification for it, there is no guarantee that the next government will be free of guilt or corruption, especially when the rebellion has not been directed by organised working class movements. Which is, in reality, one the biggest, if not THE biggest problem of these rebellions. Like in the Arab world, there is no organised opposition parties that could steer politics and, therefore, rebellions fizzle out with not purpose or aim.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Tuesday 21 December 2021

American Socialism

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to a comment of 'nakaserogirl'in:

America is involved in a covert and confused fight for Socialism. A fight in which many of the bourgeois political categories and divisions have been surpassed or inverted. Thus, the BBB Act is just a version of President Trump's acknowledged and unrealised plans for the renewal of infrastructure, a 'socialist' rebuilding of the country that was supposed to be carried out with the support of the, allegedly, most 'conservative' part of a population that came out in support of a new, more working class, Republican Party rejuvenated by Lincoln's ideals.

The fact that the Democrats had to steal Trump's policies while vilifying him, shows that the issue of socialism and public investment, is a fundamental one in American politics, as always has been, as it is not true that American competitiveness is based on a 'ruthless commitment to free-market fundamentalism' but, on the contrary, free-market fundamentalism and its myths are based on the American, largely hidden and silenced, SOCIALIST and massive public investment, especially, as is well known, in the military-industrial complex and its many spin-offs. Capitalism and 'free' market, can operate and survive because there is a social fabric in the background. In that sense, it would be more accurate that it is China that is, still, copying the USA, than the other way around.

The resistance to this new elite 'socialism' is understandable, as it is predicated on new taxes, after the many taxes imposed on the American population through mass, uncontrolled, immigration and fake Covid-1984 emergencies and, of course, the corruption of an elite that still fills the Swamp. America has little room for manoeuvre, as its dominance is at stake. Like in Cuba, the motto of the United States should be 'Socialism or Death'...!!!

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Monday 20 December 2021

Fake Rights

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to a comment of 'nakaserogirl'in:

People does not 'demand' or 'want' LGBT 'rights'. That is an unwarranted claim, impressed on many by high doses of massive propaganda, media control and insistent infiltration of educational systems and institutions.

In the first place, there are no 'LGBT rights', rights, human rights, are for all, not for particular groups and powerful minorities with easy access to the political classes of the planet.

In the second place, those human rights, have been incorporated into most law codes of civilised societies and therefore, there are no quarrels about those rights, there are only quarrels regarding the access to children in same sex marriage. A quarrel that is quite normal, as same sex couples CANNOT have children, by their very nature. It is a similar quarrel to the one the feminists are having today with the trans community.

In the third place, most 'LGBT rights' have NOT been subjected to democratic vote but, on the contrary, the vote, if there has been any, has been carried out by those politicians that were already convinced and did not mention their true positions on the subject when elected. Indeed, in Australia, they had problems when they tried to put that to a democratic vote.

On the other hand, the cover of equality cannot be used to fool people about unequal treatment or to introduced a new type of racism that will guarantee the inequality of the majority. Many, might be easily fooled with different political tricks, that pretend equality but obtain the opposite. We Communists are not easily taken for a ride. That is another difference between Communists and leftists, by the way.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

To Our Black Comrades

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

This article is a compendium of that type of underdeveloped and false simplicity, a bunch of truisms that do not explain anything and, in fact, tries to hide the bitter truth about America and the struggles that are, almost, paralysing it today. This is a clear effort not to see the elephant in the room, another attempt that tries to portray as true, the mythical, cinematographic and fake, version of America that is deeply ingrained in the simple minds of many Americans and others around the world.

All the problems, discrimination and criminality that plague the blacks in America and that have grave repercussions on the rest of the population, have been ENGINEERED, constructed and deliberately plotted by the elites of America. Thus, the black population did not only arrive in America in very especial circumstances, as SLAVES, that is, in total dependency towards people that considered them inferior on all counts and despised them, but also they did not have, like the Asians or other 'free' labour immigrant groups, the support of wealthy and well structured communities or nationalities, as the blacks were an amalgam of Africans from different areas and tribes, many of them, probably traditional enemies.

African labour in America did join the poor white populations in many areas, especially in the South, to fight for the improvement of Labour and all workers. However, they were stopped in their tracks, as the exploiters knew that a true union of workers of all races in America, would have been enormously dangerous to their interests, a suicide of the fastest type. To prevent collaboration between blacks and other races, the American elites passed legislation and other more 'forceful' measures to prevent non-racist, all-race, parties to win elections, bargain in the workplace and more. Step by step, those measures marginalised even further the blacks and threw them into the hands of marginal activities and, ultimately, into drugs, petty crime and the usual brutality and tackiness seen in countless films.

Today that effort of separation of races, on which real America is based, is carried out in an inverse way, with 'affirmative action', racial laws of privilege and supremacy for ethnic groups, reserved jobs, subsidies and charities as well as the, all powerful, woke movement. All is part of a, BIPARTISAN, policy to keep races apart and in constant confrontation. That is the truth of you American Dream.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

The New Barbarossa

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

'Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island; Who rules the World Island commands the World'

H. Mackinder

Russia is in mortal danger. The plundering of the USSR by the elites and oligarchs, made possible by the apathy and consumer illusions of a population blinded by fake propaganda and ignorance of the West, has created an unsustainable strategic situation for Russia, the 'Heartland of the World Island', as the Geographer Mackinder called it.

Today, the Western elites, after a protracted and, largely unsuccessful, campaign to dominate Afghanistan and enter the Heartland form the South, are turning again their attention to Eastern Europe, the true gate to the World Island.

The intentions and strategy of the Western elites are clear:

1- To consolidate their grip on Eastern Europe as a base of further operations.

2- To prevent Russia from joining with Germany and create an Eurasian Superpower (Nord Stream 2 was an attempt to link with Germany).

3- To further the collapse of Russia and its colonies and prepare the ground for new, political, economic and military, strategic operations inside the Heartland.

4- To eliminate the 'Eurasian' Superpower threat.

5- To divide the Heartland between the West and China.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Sunday 19 December 2021

Leftism is not Communism

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

Leftist parties or individuals, have nothing to do with what normally is understood with Communism, that is, Marxism. Ms Sawant and her supporters, do demonstrate this essential and elemental truth. Indeed, not only Marxism is not an 'anti-coporation' or anti-capitalist philosophy, but neither supports mass immigrationism, LGTB 'rights', ethnic demands or the legalisation of drugs, among other absurd policies.

Leftism is an extremely important version of bourgeois politics, as it is a substitute for real Communist organisation and revolutionary action. Ms Sawant and the author of this article, seem to have mistaken moral indignation and sentiments about poverty and the plight of the poor and the destitute, in essence charity, with Communism, a very common mistake promoted by the exploiters at every opportunity.

The policies of these leftist are clearly self-defeating and can be easily exposed. For instance, their apparent care and concern for homelessness and rent prices, are brutally contradicted and undermined by their support for mass, legal or illegal, immigration. Not to mention their fake minimum wages or bribes. Ms Sawant, with clearly wealthy family connections in mother India, seems to be the accidental political beneficiary of a changing demographics in the global USA, not a true and genuine Communist.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Thursday 16 December 2021

Proletarian History

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

British elites, in collusion with the ones in Russia, Germany and other places, went to WWI to kill millions of WORKERS and destroy their organisations. The Russian Revolution, made by REAL Socialists, put a stop to the killing and assassination of the working classes of Europe. Although many treacherous 'Westerners' tried to restore Tsarism, with military interventions in a brutal Civil War, they were defeated and the threat of Communist Revolution brought some respite from exploitation to the workers in the West. During WWII, another attempt at the destruction of Revolution, the UK capitalists BEGGED the Socialist Party to save Britain, as they were badly beaten again and again. Socialist Labour saved Britain with the help of the Communists of the world.

After the war, many were, essentially, bribed with NHS and the Welfare State. The elites bought social peace with a Welfare State that today, after the disappearance of the USSR as main Communist threat, they are proceeding to dismantle in wave after wave of shock therapy and crises: the Financial Crisis and, today, an artificially and fake, Medical Crisis that seeks the destruction of the NHS (the jewel of the Socialist Movement), and the diversion of public funds to private companies and a corrupt and silent political class. The whole process, of course, has been made possible because of the infiltration of the Labour Party and its effective emasculation as a working class fighting organisation. Indeed, New Labour is at the forefront of the attack...!!!

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Medical Capitalism

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

We face a new privatisation drive to plunder the NHS, health systems and the majority of the population, paradoxically supported by a majority of a, terrorised and meek, population. Indeed, the lockdowns, vaxxes and other emergency measures, are a privatisation of the NHS by HEALTHY people that has been intimidated and told to behave in a selfish and totally private manner to 'protect' themselves at all costs. This privatisation drive has been helped by public BRIBES called 'furloughing' and other subsidies to private household and private businesses. Not to mention, of course, the billions upon billions diverted to private companies for vaxxes, supplies, etc... as well as the new taxes, that is, transfer of wealth from salaries and public coffers to wealthier people and classes. PURE plundering, ultra-liberal, capitalism, pretending to be 'Communism'.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Leftism is not Communism

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

Leftist parties or individuals, have nothing to do with what normally is understood with Communism, that is, Marxism. Ms Sawant and her supporters, do demonstrate this essential and elemental truth. Indeed, not only Marxism is not an 'anti-coporation' or anti-capitalist philosophy, but neither supports mass immigrationism, LGTB 'rights', ethnic demands or the legalisation of drugs, among other absurd policies.

Leftism is an extremely important version of bourgeois politics, as it is a substitute for real Communist organisation and revolutionary action. Ms Sawant and the author of this article, seem to have mistaken moral indignation and sentiments about poverty and the plight of the poor and the destitute, in essence charity, with Communism, a very common mistake promoted by the exploiters at every opportunity.

The policies of these leftist are clearly self-defeating and can be easily exposed. For instance, their apparent care and concern for homelessness and rent prices, are brutally contradicted and undermined by their support for mass, legal or illegal, immigration. Not to mention their fake minimum wages or bribes. Ms Sawant, with clearly wealthy family connections in mother India, seems to be the accidental political beneficiary of a changing demographics in the global USA, not a true and genuine Communist.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Monday 13 December 2021

Noble Savage

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

It is mistaken to think that the East, understood in a broad sense that includes the South or the Third World, has, somehow a moral or spiritual superiority over the West, let alone a political one. The Western fable of the 'Eastern' or 'Southern' Noble Savage, absorbed, interiorised and brutally used and manipulated by the ruthless oligarchies of the East to confound and dominate their own populations and intimidate those of the West, is false.

Empirical evidence suggests that, although some 'savages' could have been noble, indeed, as noble as any other Western 'savage' at least, the populations of the 'East' have never been exempt of merciless exploitation, greed and material lust. The most recent history of the world, shows that the eagerness for consumption and material wealth of emerging societies like China, Russia, India or Vietnam, has been as fundamental and pervasive as that found in the most greedy and 'materialist' of Western societies, if not more.

The thin veneer of spirituality, simplicity and modesty in 'Eastern' societies, normally forced on the majority for sheer poverty, deprivation, or impotence cannot fool any serious observer. The numerous nouveau rich, the massive greed of the oligarchs and billionaires and the insatiable thirst for consumption of the 'East', have only parallels in the vane fables of mythical history. Indeed, the ideological and greedy pull exercised by the fake glitter of a 'wealthy' West, that based its real wealth on the bloody struggles of organised labour, has attracted and deluded many 'Eastern' populations to such an extend, that it might have caused the collapse of 'socialist' societies by disinterest, despondency and mass migration to the West.

Glitter, kitsch, pageantry and display of wealth are a common trait among 'Eastern' peoples, even more than among some classes in the West. If neither political freedom, nor political conciousness, is easy to get in the West because of the strenuous efforts of the exploiters to depoliticise the population, in the 'East' there few and far between those who protest, show conciousness or even think about politics. The 'East' still lags behind in political struggle and 'freedom', political 'freedom' is not a commodity on true demand. The West is, like even Mr Zizek mentioned some time ago, catching up, fast, with the depoliticised 'East', the absolute rule of the 'Eastern Mandarins' in which, as Hegel said, 'only one is free'. That is what is going on in the world of today. Sadly, 'East' or West, there is no 'Noble Savage'.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

West is Best

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

What is the West...??? Like all generalisations the concept of the West is something problematic. The material, military and intellectual successes of the 'West' or Western Civilization or countries, have attracted many spurious 'growths' around the concept of the West that could be, without a doubt, dismissed from that Western 'Elysian Fields'.

The continuation and transformation of Greek and Roman civilizations, could be the best approximation to the concept of the West. From an intellectual point of view, it is has been a synthetic 'Mediterranean' effort, in constant and bloody struggle to eliminate religious and mystical conceptions, rationalise the study and understanding of nature and improve material and economic progress though a, more or less, constant technological application and change. All born from the depths of class struggle.

The Western approach is, essentially, rational, equalitarian and hence, international, that is, Socialist. That is why Lenin and many revolutionaries in the East understood that the West was best and, so, they fought for a complete 'Westernisation' of their countries and the whole world. Even Stalin's socialism in one country, was just a delaying tactic until the worldwide triumph of Socialism.

The adoption of the East-West confrontation and, essentially and silently, 'racist' approach is a reactionary tactic of the, collaborating, oligarchies of the world. Thus, the elites of the West are happy to create an almost 'biological' division in the world, that allows them to evade the international union of the proletariat, create enmity between the fake concepts of 'rich' and 'poor' countries and create an ideology of guilt in their populations that paralyses resistance to immigration and the importation of cheap labour and gives a rational of vengeance against the West to immigrant populations. In the East, the demonisation of the West, provides elites with ready-made escape goats, the well known 'Western' foreigner and alibis to conserve the regimes and encourage migration and, with it, the reduction of resistance and opposition.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!

Marx, Lukacs, Heidegger, Zizek

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

Mr Zizek has very strange conception of 'Orthodox Marxism' and its meaning, which might explain, to a great extend, the troubles and collapse experienced by the 'Marxist' East and, in particular, the brutal destruction of a Yugoslavia that, paradoxically, thought itself the country with most 'freedom' in the East.

Marx, at least in his earlier period, considered the union of the proletariat and philosophy a true revolutionary moment, a moment of historical importance. Therefore, it is likely that he would have approved and encouraged 'assembly line workers', of all men, to read, write and translate philosophy, even the philosophy of a reactionary anti-Marxist like Heidegger. Indeed, the meaning of Heidegger is, precisely, his opposition to Marx and, the most important Marxist philosopher of his time, Lukacs. Heidegger is just a reaction to a Marxist world swimming in the stormy waters of revolution.

Mr Zizek is also a reaction against Marxism, against revolution and class war, the latest in a long list of 'philosophers' of a 'leftist' reaction that pretends to be close to Marxism to destroy it or, rather, divert it (as it cannot be destroyed), from its true meaning of struggle and liberation. In that sense, it is not strange or surprising that Mr Zizek comes from a 'revisionist' Yugoslavia that not only inherited the general backwardness of a rural Easter Europe but, with it, a profound misunderstanding of Marxism. That, of course, is very handy to the globalist elites for the manipulation of Marx and his legacy.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!


Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

The use of the word 'kaffir' like that of 'negroe', even by a 'Nazi' Heidegger, might not have been necessarily a racist slur, especially in the 1930s. The word 'kaffir' derives from the Arabic and designates atheists or 'Godless' people. It became an international term with the Portuguese and Spanish Empires, that used 'cafre', which means something like 'brute' or uncivilised, like the Greek term 'barbaros' opposed to 'citizen'. The term did not have 'racist' connotations and, it could be said that all or most languages and groups use these kind of terms. In South Africa the term might have taken racist overtones during the Apartheid, after Heidegger's writings. Heidegger was very concious of language and the etymology of words.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!