Monday 13 December 2021

West is Best

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

What is the West...??? Like all generalisations the concept of the West is something problematic. The material, military and intellectual successes of the 'West' or Western Civilization or countries, have attracted many spurious 'growths' around the concept of the West that could be, without a doubt, dismissed from that Western 'Elysian Fields'.

The continuation and transformation of Greek and Roman civilizations, could be the best approximation to the concept of the West. From an intellectual point of view, it is has been a synthetic 'Mediterranean' effort, in constant and bloody struggle to eliminate religious and mystical conceptions, rationalise the study and understanding of nature and improve material and economic progress though a, more or less, constant technological application and change. All born from the depths of class struggle.

The Western approach is, essentially, rational, equalitarian and hence, international, that is, Socialist. That is why Lenin and many revolutionaries in the East understood that the West was best and, so, they fought for a complete 'Westernisation' of their countries and the whole world. Even Stalin's socialism in one country, was just a delaying tactic until the worldwide triumph of Socialism.

The adoption of the East-West confrontation and, essentially and silently, 'racist' approach is a reactionary tactic of the, collaborating, oligarchies of the world. Thus, the elites of the West are happy to create an almost 'biological' division in the world, that allows them to evade the international union of the proletariat, create enmity between the fake concepts of 'rich' and 'poor' countries and create an ideology of guilt in their populations that paralyses resistance to immigration and the importation of cheap labour and gives a rational of vengeance against the West to immigrant populations. In the East, the demonisation of the West, provides elites with ready-made escape goats, the well known 'Western' foreigner and alibis to conserve the regimes and encourage migration and, with it, the reduction of resistance and opposition.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!