Thursday 16 December 2021

Proletarian History

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

British elites, in collusion with the ones in Russia, Germany and other places, went to WWI to kill millions of WORKERS and destroy their organisations. The Russian Revolution, made by REAL Socialists, put a stop to the killing and assassination of the working classes of Europe. Although many treacherous 'Westerners' tried to restore Tsarism, with military interventions in a brutal Civil War, they were defeated and the threat of Communist Revolution brought some respite from exploitation to the workers in the West. During WWII, another attempt at the destruction of Revolution, the UK capitalists BEGGED the Socialist Party to save Britain, as they were badly beaten again and again. Socialist Labour saved Britain with the help of the Communists of the world.

After the war, many were, essentially, bribed with NHS and the Welfare State. The elites bought social peace with a Welfare State that today, after the disappearance of the USSR as main Communist threat, they are proceeding to dismantle in wave after wave of shock therapy and crises: the Financial Crisis and, today, an artificially and fake, Medical Crisis that seeks the destruction of the NHS (the jewel of the Socialist Movement), and the diversion of public funds to private companies and a corrupt and silent political class. The whole process, of course, has been made possible because of the infiltration of the Labour Party and its effective emasculation as a working class fighting organisation. Indeed, New Labour is at the forefront of the attack...!!!

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!