Monday 13 December 2021

Marx, Lukacs, Heidegger, Zizek

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

Mr Zizek has very strange conception of 'Orthodox Marxism' and its meaning, which might explain, to a great extend, the troubles and collapse experienced by the 'Marxist' East and, in particular, the brutal destruction of a Yugoslavia that, paradoxically, thought itself the country with most 'freedom' in the East.

Marx, at least in his earlier period, considered the union of the proletariat and philosophy a true revolutionary moment, a moment of historical importance. Therefore, it is likely that he would have approved and encouraged 'assembly line workers', of all men, to read, write and translate philosophy, even the philosophy of a reactionary anti-Marxist like Heidegger. Indeed, the meaning of Heidegger is, precisely, his opposition to Marx and, the most important Marxist philosopher of his time, Lukacs. Heidegger is just a reaction to a Marxist world swimming in the stormy waters of revolution.

Mr Zizek is also a reaction against Marxism, against revolution and class war, the latest in a long list of 'philosophers' of a 'leftist' reaction that pretends to be close to Marxism to destroy it or, rather, divert it (as it cannot be destroyed), from its true meaning of struggle and liberation. In that sense, it is not strange or surprising that Mr Zizek comes from a 'revisionist' Yugoslavia that not only inherited the general backwardness of a rural Easter Europe but, with it, a profound misunderstanding of Marxism. That, of course, is very handy to the globalist elites for the manipulation of Marx and his legacy.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!