Wednesday 22 December 2021


Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

In response to:

The attack on the Maidan 'Revolt or Rebellion', more than revolution, as the situation has not fundamentally changed, cannot be justified on the basis of an, alleged, worsening of the situation or the new difficulties of the regime, as there are many, genuine, factors that could explain that situation and difficulties. For example:

1- The 'Rebellion' in Ukraine must have been genuine and based on true concerns and problems (corruption and reorientation away from the EU), otherwise it would not have triumphed, there wold have been a generalised civil war, most resistance would continue all over Ukraine, etc...

2- The ousting of some corrupt and treacherous presidents, might NOT have solved the situation and problems, amongst other things because corruption goes much deeper into the political class than thought possible. Indeed, the problems of Ukraine go so deep, that a real Revolution would be needed and not just a 'Rebellion'.

3- Corruption and treason are related. Indeed, it could be said that corruption is a form of treason that saps the country little by little and weakens all its structures, ready to be taken over by foreign powers.

4-The solution of deep problems cannot be expected in short time spans, as corruption and treason could have ingrained themselves into the very fabric of society and require long term measures to be solved, etc, etc...

5- Also, all 'democracies' have dictatorial mechanisms to deal with emergencies, as the country could be in danger and urgent action might be needed.

In short, if there were reasons for a Maidan Rebellion and a clear justification for it, there is no guarantee that the next government will be free of guilt or corruption, especially when the rebellion has not been directed by organised working class movements. Which is, in reality, one the biggest, if not THE biggest problem of these rebellions. Like in the Arab world, there is no organised opposition parties that could steer politics and, therefore, rebellions fizzle out with not purpose or aim.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!