Tuesday 14 November 2017

Objective Burma

1917 - 2017
Russian Revolutions

Globalisers and Globalised

Burma Offensive

Once again the public faces another assault by 'atrocitarian' politics and media. The same type used in the Yugoslavian conflicts and many others since. An alleged blameless, guiltless and virginal part used, abused and mistreated by some supposedly tyrannical government or majority, declared guilty out of hand without even considering facts, history or the real politics of the situation, that could and will bring disaster to whole countries and regions. 

Apart from the normal sentiments of pity and sorrow awaken in mankind by the desperation and suffering of the weakest, the defence of equality, liberty and the Commonwealth cannot be based on the unconditional surrender of the majority of the population to the whims and dictates of a minority that do not want to be integrated, refuses to be part of the country or plots a secession against it. 

In Burma the migration problems brought by a colonial oligarchy to work the plantation fields of the past have exploded with fury after a couple of generations. Marx used to say that the most advanced nations are the mirror on which the less developed countries will look to see their future, but we are here in a dialectical inversion of history and it is the less developed nations that show the future to the most advanced, as we have been treated like colonial peoples by our own oligarchies... indeed...!!!

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