Thursday 26 August 2021

The Fog of War III

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

'At first it was a lie, then a strong delusion and, at last, downright madness'


[As acknowledged admirers of the American, British and NATO Military and their know-how and, sometimes, supporters of their military actions, we would be forgiven if we try to make a critique of the extended and naïve views expressed by the author, without questioning the bravery of combatants on all sides.]

The Afghans

Although there are many Afghans, of all types and 'sizes', it will be fair to say that, a clear majority, favour a Taliban that, from the Islamic schools and madrasas and with the help of Pakistan, brought some kind of justice, stability and order, even if with draconian measures, to a country plagued by warlords and intervention.

Defeat cannot be blame on a 'local' government or military, the artificial and fake creations of the Western military regime. Something abundantly shown by the, almost, unilateral American decision to withdraw. Indeed, the failure of the invasion is shown, precisely, by the failure of a fake native regime and its military to fight for Western objectives, that were sold to the world as universal.

Afghanistan seems to be in an extremely important phase of its development, as it could stabilise the entire region and, with China's and Pakistan's help, develop the country to an acceptable level. It is true that the creation of an Afghan 'Empire' to the North, if only by default and example, cannot be ruled out, but that is unlikely as it will draw, again, major intervention. The chances are that the Taliban will consolidate gains and shelter under China.

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!