Tuesday 24 August 2021

Yes You Can

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021

We cannot wait... for all those millions to arrive in the West. Another batch of millions, might even sink the EU for good. The Austrians already refuse to accept more. The Germans are hiding but, it is obvious that many Afghans want to go there. France has elections and the 'fake' President is running up and down trying to calm the population. Spain, as usual, is accepting everything, as its corrupt regime is based on mass immigration of any kind and it cannot stop or it will collapse. As for Britain, all the bravado is just posturing to open the borders and sink Brexit one way or another. All very interesting. All very exciting. We are going to see if the Western populations will swallow this new immigrationist scam. The chances are, given the rout of the working-class parties, that they will swallow lock, stock and barrel... Is it the end of the West...???!!! Don't miss the next episode...

Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!
