Saturday 10 April 2021

Antivaxxers for the vax

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021


Antivaxxers, in general, are NOT against the vax, but against the forceful imposition of the vax on those who, for whatever reason, do not want to take it. In spite of the dubious statistical data, the scare-mongering, the false propaganda and the massive manipulation of the situation, we antivaxxers think that people should be allowed to take the vax if so they wish. It is true that we think that the whole operation is based on lies, scaremongering and brutal manipulation, that there has been an exaggerated reaction and unjustified fear about covid and its effects, however, as long as people is kept 'informed' about the possible risks of taking the vax and is not imposed on them, antivaxxers are happy to help the vaxxers to take their jabs. Also, there is some problems with the financial implications of the vax, but we understand that many vaxxers are taxpayers and want to use their taxes for their vaxxes. That should not be any problem, as long as health systems and the 'Commonwealth' are not ruined by these measures. Antivaxxers say give the people what they want, under their own responsibility.


Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!