Tuesday 13 April 2021

Labour of the Undead

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021


We are witnessing the slow and undignified death of Labour under the tyranny of New Labour. This agony will not end, as the elites cannot afford to create a political vacuum among the working-class, a vacuum that could be filled with more dangerous parties. The new Labour 'leader', Sir 'Stammer' is just a non-entity, a timid administrator of a Labour Party that lost, definitely, its soul under a dictatorship of trade union and local council ignorant grandees, their Pink Tory blairite allies and the, no less blairites, 'pinky' and bourgeois of the ultra-left and the minority-monger subsidised brigade. Labour will not recover and cannot recover from the disastrous defeats in its heartlands of Scotland and England, but will linger aimlessly as a disturbing and annoying fly around a rotten cadaver, unable to give leadership and direction, but trying to prevent the consolidation of a true opposition. The covid fake crisis has shown that the workers and citizens in general, are completely defenceless and leaderless. Labour is undead.


Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!
