Sunday 4 April 2021

Freedom of Speech

Chinese Communist Party

1921 - 2021


Those sheepish 'liberal' minds that want to impose their cowardly ways to others, their fear of living and thinking, should be aware that it is not freedom of speech the reason that drives people to the 'ultimate' measures that they dread so much, but censorship and the 'unfreedom' of tyranny. As Marx would say, freedom of speech 'transforms material battles into ideal battles, the battle of flesh and blood into that of the spirit and intellect'... Freedom of speech is a simulator to avoid bloodshed and carnage, by blocking freedom of speech you will obtain the opposite of your asinine ideas and ideals. No silence and submission but revolt... you might deserve that and more of the serious consequences of that, indeed, but you will not be able to say that you were not warned about your insanity.


Proletarians of all countries, divide!!!

Let 'em burn...!!!

Go to the ant...!!!