Sunday 17 June 2012

Border Ruffians

Migration, the slavery of our times.

In declaring an amnesty for young illegal immigrants, the 'liberal' President of the United States enacts a new farce in history, a bourgeois dialectical inversion of politics and morals that, through the emotional and sentimental blackmail of a self-seeking and corrupt political stance, swamps the American labour market with hundreds of thousands of cheap workers, promotes new waves of fresh migration from already devastated regions and encourages and accelerates the Darwinian struggle for survival among a lower class that cannot but feel the heat of necessarily diminishing wages, the deterioration of working conditions and the dismal erosion of living standards. 

This declaration of amnesty for illegal immigrants, is nothing but a declaration of war against the american working class that, periodically, has to suffer the assault of waves and waves of cheap labour from all over the world, in a system reminiscent of the slavery of the XIX century which, like the system of migration today, required a continuous expansion, an ever widening sphere of rapacious and imperial action (it is no accident that US Imperialism was closely related to the Southern Confederacy and its mode of production), until the exhaustion of the local resources, human as well as natural, commands a new movement in a spiral of degradation. 

Today, slavery takes the form of a migration that extracts part of its victims from the global network of exploitation, demographic explosion and extreme violence in China, India, Mexico and many other countries and dumps them in working class communities which, in turn, become victimized for the benefit of the worst kind of businessmen. The promoters and defenders of capitalist migration, this modern day slavery, deride the lessons from history and comically repeat the tragic deeds of the Border Ruffians of the past..

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Workers of the World, Unite!
¡Reciprocidad! ¡Repatriación! ¡Revolución!