Monday 25 June 2012

Marxism Vindicated Again: The Migration Conspiracy Against the Working Class Uncovered in Britain... by the Same Bourgeois that Created it...!!!

Sorry, Ed? What’s your plan for immigration? 

By TREVOR KAVANAGH The Sun Published: Today at 00:08 

I HOPE you had a good laugh last week when Ed Miliband pretended to apologise for swamping Britain with five million uninvited migrants. 

He suggested it was a clerical error. Downing Street thought only 13,000 EU citizens would come and, whoops, it turned out to be a million. He didn’t mention the millions more who strolled in from Africa, India, China, South America, the Far East, the Middle East and the Near East. That was a surprise, too, apparently. 

But it was no accident. Mass immigration was a calculated, secret and unscrupulous plan to swamp Britain with cheap labour and a lifetime’s supply of grateful Labour voters. It also had the happy side-effect of embarrassing the Tories, who were loudly denounced as “racist” if they voiced a word of protest. Indeed, all critics — including a furious Labour supporter — were trashed, in the words of Gordon Brown, as “bigots” or “fascists”. 

Yet the biggest losers in this campaign to change the face of Britain were working class Labour voters. For all Gordon Brown’s lip service to poor families, he waved in countless thousands prepared to work for less than his cherished minimum wage. Not a peep was heard from the unions now striking across the public sector. 

Let me say here that immigration is not just a good thing, it is essential. Britain has a grown-up attitude to race and religion. But it is irresponsible to throw open the door to millions, about whom we know little, and put them at the top of the queue for homes, schools and health care. 

Tony Blair was a fervent supporter of this reckless mission. As Prime Minister he refused to hear a word of protest — even from Labour supporters. After all, if they ended up unemployed, they would be well looked after on welfare at the taxpayers’ expense. So foreign workers took five million new jobs in the “boom” years while five million British-born jobless were left to rot on benefit. 

The result today is a country bursting at the seams with people it cannot house or look after properly. London and the South East are now the most densely populated areas in Europe. On the pavements of the capital it is rare to hear spoken English. In some boroughs more than half of babies are born to foreign parents. Some cities in the North have become no-go enclaves divided by race and religion. This is proudly hailed as “diversity”. In reality it is a divisive and discredited experiment in multiculturalism. 

Britain is home to 17 per cent of all the Muslims in Europe, with three million now settled here. That number will double in 20 years. Even staunch Labour supporters, including race equality chief Trevor Phillips, denounce multiculturalism as a form of “segregation”. It makes “white families feel cheated out of their right to social housing by newly arrived migrants,” he says. 

Predictably, this courageous black campaigner was accused by Ken Livingstone of pandering to racist “Right-wingers”. As Mr Miliband was issuing his cod apology, Tony Blair yesterday insisted he had “no regrets” about opening the floodgates. Polish workers had been a blessing, he said. But he confessed he was worried about “uncontrolled and illegal immigration and organised crime”. 

But this is precisely the point, Tony. There are good immigrants and bad immigrants — and you indiscriminately let in the lot. Murderous drug gangs, child prostitution traffickers and convicted thugs turned Britain into the organised crime capital of Europe. There’s diversity for you. Mr Blair then wasted billions setting up a toothless Serious Organised Crime Agency, since effectively being wound up as a failure. 

Ed Miliband’s mealy-mouthed “apology” contains no serious plans for controlling immigration, still less a cap on numbers. He probably hopes the two years since they lost office is long enough for people to forget. 

They successfully changed the face of Britain. The consequences will be felt, for better and for worse, for generations to come.

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Workers of the World, Unite!
¡Reciprocidad! ¡Repatriación! ¡Revolución!