Thursday 13 March 2014

Okhrana Station

The brittle power of deep Russia. 

Oblivious to its own sinister origins, the regime of Oligorussia churns out its jocular propaganda demanding probes into the credentials of the Ukrainian Revolution, proclaiming the love of the happy Russians for their President Putin Sese Seko or preparing the Panslavist and racist annexation of the Russian Sudetenland. 

Those who do not suffer from premature loss of memory though, will remember the rise to power of the new Rasputin, as the tyrannical designation of the sinister three fingered hand of a perturbed man, pickled in vodka and kept artificially alive by the best American doctors, to allow the total destruction and pillaging of that workers' Cornucopia called the Soviet Union. A callous and premeditated act that needed calculated feats of terror to be performed, like the Okhrana's perverse apartment bombings of 1999 in Buynaksk, Moscow, and Volgodonsk, that took the lives of 300 people or the Second Chechen War, that killed many more, all in pursuit of a new, and equally rotten, moronic and impotent Tsarist Empire which is, once again, starting to crumble before the determined assault of the world's bourgeoisie.

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