¡¡¡Trileros izmierdistas!!!
The left at its best...!!!
The 'Troika' renamed the 'Institutions' in 'landmark' victory for Erratic Marxists...!!!
Greek cretino-slimy misgovernment of leftorightists sells more smoke to their, once again, swindled constituents...!!!
Tripas and his Erratic Marxists in camouflaged climbdown in front of the 'Institutions'...!!!
War is Justice...!!!
Revolution jetzt…!!!
Enteignung jetzt...!!!
Proletarische Deutschland unterwegs...!!!
For the destruction of all hope…!!!
Merkel, The Jam Maker, destroys Erratic Marxism...!!!
Marxismus gegen Schwanken 'Marxismus'...!!!
¡¡¡Nein con nuestros impuestos!!!
Nein with our taxes...!!!

The left at its best...!!!
The 'Troika' renamed the 'Institutions' in 'landmark' victory for Erratic Marxists...!!!
Greek cretino-slimy misgovernment of leftorightists sells more smoke to their, once again, swindled constituents...!!!
Tripas and his Erratic Marxists in camouflaged climbdown in front of the 'Institutions'...!!!
War is Justice...!!!
Revolution jetzt…!!!
Enteignung jetzt...!!!
Proletarische Deutschland unterwegs...!!!
For the destruction of all hope…!!!
Merkel, The Jam Maker, destroys Erratic Marxism...!!!
Marxismus gegen Schwanken 'Marxismus'...!!!
¡¡¡Nein con nuestros impuestos!!!
Nein with our taxes...!!!

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!
¡Reciprocidad! ¡Repatriación! ¡Revolución!