Referendum now…!!!
Workers of Western Europe
Faced with the arrogance and blackmail of the criminal leftorightist misgovernment of the exploiters of Grecozuela and their referendum to force new subsidies from our taxes under the fake guise of democracy, the rotten European oligarchy hesitates to take decisive action against its friends, the organisers of the pyramidal scheme of feudocapitalist profiteering in Grecozuela. Once again, therefore, falls to the workers of Western Europe to defend their taxes and salaries and demand
A referendum in Western Europe to decide the fate of the wealth we created...!!!
Workers of Western Europe
Do you want more billions upon billions of your hard earned taxes to be squandered on the villainous and opulent exploiters of Grecozuela in detriment of all the workers of the world...???
NEIN - OXI [...]
JA - NAI [...]

Workers of Western Europe
Faced with the arrogance and blackmail of the criminal leftorightist misgovernment of the exploiters of Grecozuela and their referendum to force new subsidies from our taxes under the fake guise of democracy, the rotten European oligarchy hesitates to take decisive action against its friends, the organisers of the pyramidal scheme of feudocapitalist profiteering in Grecozuela. Once again, therefore, falls to the workers of Western Europe to defend their taxes and salaries and demand
A referendum in Western Europe to decide the fate of the wealth we created...!!!
Workers of Western Europe
Do you want more billions upon billions of your hard earned taxes to be squandered on the villainous and opulent exploiters of Grecozuela in detriment of all the workers of the world...???
NEIN - OXI [...]
JA - NAI [...]

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