Germany's peaceful expansion and construction of a IV Reich through the wholesale bribery and subsidisation of local elites and servile unproductive populations with Western European taxes and wealth, is grinding to halt.
As in a remake of the Spanish Empire, erected on a too narrow base of taxes and soldiers from Castile or, more recently, as in the Soviet Union, in which the more conscious, heroic but scanty proletariat took on the whole world with similar results, the European Union risks a natural collapse through an ever decreasing core of productive workers based, in general, in Western Europe and, eventually, in an exhausted and depleted Germany.
Behind Greece's lunatic misgovernment and its appeals to empty democracy and solidarity, lurks a mellifluous version of ultraliberal economics, that is, the evasion of costs and taxes and their displacement towards other workers, as private banks and companies have done and continue to do, with or without a crisis, or as the leftists do when they promote mass immigration or other maniacal policies. It is for that reason that, the priority of the true proletarian party in Europe should be forcing Greece, or anyone else for that matter, to take on her exploiters and parasites (something that the leftists have shown are not willing to do), and destroy them, together with their pyramidal system of exploitation, otherwise they will not do it.
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Deutschland mit uns...!!!

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