'Brussels' the Molenbeek of Europe...!!!
The European Commission, the Molenbeek of Europe...!!!
Zero Cost Labour
Bondage by saturation and terror
Forced illegally, undemocratically and unconstitutionally on the native populations of Europe, the migration policies of the rotten oligarchy had to be imposed with the help of vast amounts of aggressive and intimidatory propaganda, its concomitant draconian censorship, mob, police and institutional threats, degradation, denigration and persecution of the opposition and a creation of a new and false Weltanschauung in which, academicians, journalists, artists and many others, have been profusely mobilised in a general offensive to destroy the last remnants of the proletarian ideology with a revolting salmagundi of Christian lust, leftist guilt and rightist cretinism. The result of all this tomfoolery in benefit of the exploiters has been an unmitigated and naked terror... the latest manifestation of which are the Paris attacks, gestated, cooked and implemented in those Eurozuelan Islamic Republics and similar ghettos, created to accommodate the millions of enemies and scab workers imported to destroy socialism. It is for that reason that Mr Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary is wrong, the real terrorists are not 'migrants'... they are the exploiters, and they are in control... the enemy within...!!!

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!
¡Reciprocidad! ¡Repatriación! ¡Revolución!