Friday 26 February 2016

Join or die

Zero Cost Labour

Slave driver's on both sides of 'The Wall' in panic attack...!!!

Nevada's crushing victory turns 'Trumpangst' into outright panic among exploiters and their stooges...!!!

Exploiter's Panic

Lügenpresse intensifies offensive against Trump...!!!

Germans... the real ones... the workers that pay for everything that moves and does not move... with Donald Trump against immigration Apocalypse...!!!

Ridiculed, laughed at, insulted, vilified, assailed, maligned, denounced, denigrated and much more... by the international Lügenpresse, Donald Trump, the vivid image of the mystical and heroic capitalist of the wildest and most fantastic dreams of exploiter's propaganda, has turned all his billions of business know how and success, in an alliance with the American Working Class against the immigrationist excesses of the worst, most deplorable, idiotic, fatuous, pedantic and treacherous of America's oligarchy for centuries...!!!

Join or die...!!!

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Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!
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