Thursday 17 March 2016

Join or die

Zero Cost Labour

A New American Revolution...!!!

A World Revolution...!!!

America declares War on exploitation...!!!

Trump's victory creates conditions for oligarchic meltdown...!!!

Exploiter's global system of slave labour threaten by American revolt...!!!

In a flash back to the Immigration Acts of 1924 and The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 that prepared the ground for the WWII, American Workers are about to restrict and, for all intents and purposes, eliminate the main escape valve of tyrannical, undeveloped and inefficient regimes around the world... migration. By so doing, by preventing the shifting and export of human misery, disorganisation, despotism and wastefulness, America will recreate the just and inevitable conditions for a new World War, a Global Civil War between a Unionist and Socialist 'North' and a Racist Multiculturalist 'South', a true World Revolution... for the liberation of mankind... Amen...!!!

Join or die...!!!

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!
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