Dispersal to the base...!!!
Technocratic subjugation
They know best... they always did... about exploitation...!!!
Terrified by the rebellion of the American Working Class, the oligarchy hits back with the 'expert' discourse...!!!
But, it is not only that these 'experts' are always lying, that America was not forged with illegal immigration, that walls do work at stopping crime, exploitation, terrorism, aggression and disease (witness the walls of Berlin, Israel, Korea, Belfast...), that America treated and still does treat many peoples differently at her borders (e.g, Blacks, 'Commies', Japanese, Chinese, Cubans, etc...), that nobody is blaming 'challenges' on immigrants, but on those immigrationist slave drivers who created the challenges of exploitation in the first place, that this immigration is not a 'melting pot', but an ethnic, religious and social apartheid, that these 'experts' commit mistake after mistake after mistake... in wars, in economics, in education... that Trump is, actually, an extremely successful businessman, a true capitalist of the kind these 'experts' have always portrayed as a role model in every sphere of human endeavour, including the political one... it is that, in politics, the 'expert' fallacy, the oligarchy of 'expertise', hides and drives anti-democratic, anti-socialist and unconstitutional stands and, ultimately, is the alibi for tyranny... or, as Marx said...
'In a reasonable state it ought to require an examination to become a cobbler rather than an executive state official; for cobbling is a skill without which one can be a good citizen, a social being, but the necessary 'state knowledge' is a condition without which a man in a state would be living outside the state, cut off from himself and from the air. The 'examination' is nothing but a masonic formula, the legal recognition of citizenship, knowledge as a privilege.'
Experts should be dispersed to the base, that is, to work in factories and in the countryside... like they did during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution...!!!

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Technocratic subjugation
They know best... they always did... about exploitation...!!!
Terrified by the rebellion of the American Working Class, the oligarchy hits back with the 'expert' discourse...!!!
But, it is not only that these 'experts' are always lying, that America was not forged with illegal immigration, that walls do work at stopping crime, exploitation, terrorism, aggression and disease (witness the walls of Berlin, Israel, Korea, Belfast...), that America treated and still does treat many peoples differently at her borders (e.g, Blacks, 'Commies', Japanese, Chinese, Cubans, etc...), that nobody is blaming 'challenges' on immigrants, but on those immigrationist slave drivers who created the challenges of exploitation in the first place, that this immigration is not a 'melting pot', but an ethnic, religious and social apartheid, that these 'experts' commit mistake after mistake after mistake... in wars, in economics, in education... that Trump is, actually, an extremely successful businessman, a true capitalist of the kind these 'experts' have always portrayed as a role model in every sphere of human endeavour, including the political one... it is that, in politics, the 'expert' fallacy, the oligarchy of 'expertise', hides and drives anti-democratic, anti-socialist and unconstitutional stands and, ultimately, is the alibi for tyranny... or, as Marx said...
'In a reasonable state it ought to require an examination to become a cobbler rather than an executive state official; for cobbling is a skill without which one can be a good citizen, a social being, but the necessary 'state knowledge' is a condition without which a man in a state would be living outside the state, cut off from himself and from the air. The 'examination' is nothing but a masonic formula, the legal recognition of citizenship, knowledge as a privilege.'
Experts should be dispersed to the base, that is, to work in factories and in the countryside... like they did during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution...!!!

¡Caciques al GULAG!
Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt euch!
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